Twenty Five (Bora Bora) Justin Bieber

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It was the day of the family holiday. I’d been waiting for this  the whole year. It had been a long and stressful year of high school but finally, I was on holidays. Me and the rest of my family were heading to Bora Bora, a small but beautiful island near French Polynesia. Basically, in the middle of nowhere. I’d never been there before but I’d seen photos and wow – it looked simply amazing.

“C’mon Y/N, it’s 8:30, we don’t want to be late for our flight”

“Coming mum! I shouted back”.

After a 40-minute drive we were at the airport and it wasn’t long until our flight boarded. I sat patiently, browsing Tumblr and Facebook on my phone, until finally, our flight number was called. Within a few minutes we were on the plane and it wasn’t long until take off. I took this time to browse my phone one last time before I had to switch it to flight mode. That’s when I read something that made my heart race. 

“Singer/Songwriter Justin Bieber spotted holidaying in Bora Bora” 

I couldn’t believe what my eyes were reading. Justin was in Bora Bora, literally the same place I was about to go!? While all this was going on, the flight attendants had requested flight mode be activated on all phones. I tried quickly clicking on the article but the internet was slow and the flight attendant soon spotted me. 

“Flight mode now, please” 

I apologised and had no choice but to switch it over to flight mode, which of course meant I couldn’t use the internet, and therefore couldn’t read the article. Damn. 

As the plane took off all I could think about was the article headline. A lot of things were running through my mind. Was it true? A lot of media articles are just false, only written to attract readers. Also, so what if it was true? I would probably never catch a glimpse, and even if I did… He is on holidays. I probably wouldn’t be allowed to bother him. I tried not to think about it too much, but it occupied my mind for most of the flight.

After many hours, we touched down in French Polynesia. From there, we were loaded onto a small-ish barge (boat) that took the people holidaying to the remote island. There weren’t many other people going to the island by the looks of it, just my family, and two other small families. The boat trip took about an hour, and then we had finally arrived at our destination. Bora Bora. 

The place was beautiful, and for awhile I was so blown away by the views that I had forgotten that Justin Bieber could actually also be on this island. We arrived at our resort, found our room and began unpacking.

“First thing I want to do is swim at that nice beach we saw!” said my mum. 

We all agreed, as the water looked crystal clear and fantastic. We finished unpacking and then headed down to the beach. I put on my brand new two-piece bikinis/swim suit. I would be lying if I said it didn’t show off my curves well.

We headed on down to the beach, and it truly was amazing – the best beach I had ever seen in my life. That’s when I saw him. Swimming in the water, I noticed him straight away. JUSTIN. BIEBER. He WAS here! The article was true. He was here, and he was right in front of me! What were the odds of me seeing him at all, let alone on the very first day of the holiday! I couldn’t believe my eyes. My family soon realised something was wrong so I told them.

“That’s Justin Bieber. Right over there, swimming with his friends. OMG. I can’t believe it. He is right there!!” My heart was pounding in my chest and my legs felt like jelly. 

My family all knew how much of a fan I was.

We began swimming but my mind was elsewhere. Should I try and get a photo with him? Just talk to him? He was obviously on a holiday, and I wanted to respect him and not spoil it. I decided that I would just try to say hello to him when he was getting out. So for the next 15 minutes, me and my family swam at the beach, with Justin only about 20 metres away swimming with some friends.

Justin Bieber & Jason McCann Dirty ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now