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"Natalie Elizabeth!"

Someone was shouting my name, I heard it multiple times but never answered. Finally, my mother stomped into my bedroom and flickered the lights.

"Hurry up! I woke you up twenty minutes ago!"

The funny thing was; I had no recollection of her waking me. At all.

The life of a modern teenager.

"Why?" I asked before my mind had settled in on what was happening.

"You don't remember?? You're going to LA today!" Mom said excitedly.

She was happy for me, but more for her. She got the whole summer to herself, my dad, and our cat.

I didn't blame her. It took long enough to get my two older brothers out of the house, and since sleep away camp hadn't worked too well, this was going to be the first time away from them for a whole summer.

"You'll call every day, right?" My dad asked, hugging goodbye at the airport security area.

I nodded.

"And Skype? Or whatever that thing is that you do on the iPhone?" He asked again.

"FaceTime. And yeah. Whenever I can!" I smiled and gave them their final hugs.

We waved and I was off.


I was sitting down at the airport café with my coffee when I got a text message.

*Connor Franta♚: Hey! U at the airport yet?*

It was still pretty hard to believe that I was going to be staying with Jenn and Andrea at their house and also be hanging out with their friends and all the O2L boys. They'd always been my close friends, but it was hard to keep such a close relationship when I'm in Texas and they're all in California.

I quickly wrote back to Connor;

*Yup. Boarding in 45 mins, having breakfast now.*

Connor responded with a smiley face and I anxiously waited for the trip to begin.


My eyes popped open at the sound and feeling of the plane hitting the ground.

"Good morning everyone, we hope you enjoyed your flight. We have arrived in sunny Los Angeles, and it is 85 degrees currently. Enjoy your stay and thank you for flying with us." The pilot spoke.

I smiled and looked out the window at the palm trees. LAX was everything I hoped it would be.

I texted Andrea;

*where are u?*

*andreaaa: uhh idk... baggage thing*

*what number? i'm supposed to go to #8.*

*andreaaa: i'm at 7. come on!!!*

When I got to the baggage area, I scanned the room for any familiar faces, but I didn't see anyone I knew.

I found my bags and grabbed them; there were only two so I was fine.


I whipped around and locked eyes with Jenn. We ran up to each other and hugged tightly.

Soon we were joined in the hug by Andrea and we all stood there for about seven minutes, in a huddle.

"We missed you SO MUCH!" Andrea exclaimed. I nodded, laughing.

"I missed you too," I smiled. I followed them to Andrea's car and we took off.

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