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[Your Perspective]

You woke up, finding yourself lying on your back in a small patch of the golden flowers from your village. Everything, from your head to your toes, was numb. You stared blankly at the tiny blue circle of sky up above, trying to register what just happened. Had you... Had you actually jumped?

When your shock finally began to dissipate, and your entire body started to realize that you are not, quite as dead as you had originally thought, you found the answer. Yes. Yes, you jumped. And you should never, EVER, try to do something so idiotic ever again. You winced as your whole body started to ache as if you were a walking, bruised banana. You were not all that surprised about your injuries. What did surprise you, however, was the fact that you were even alive and breathing. How on earth did you just survive that huge fall? Looking up at the sky from the ground, you guessed it was at least a good two hundred feet to the surface.

That probably wasn't the best idea, you decided.

But the thing is, you hadn't even thought things through before you jumped. All you did was grab your backpack and purse before jumping into Mt. Ebott.

At least I'll finally find out why this place seems to peak my interest, you thought to yourself.

As you got up, you felt something extremely heavy on your back, briefly throwing you off balance.

"Right... I forgot about my backpack," you muttered to yourself.

You took a few seconds to recollect your thoughts and balance. Once you felt stable enough, you started to walk forward, absorbing the sight of everything around you. Purple rocks lined the walls of the cavern, having further peaked your interest. You stopped suddenly, as a heavy chill ran down your spine. Someone was watching you, and you could feel it.

"W-Who's there?.." you called out softly.

Suddenly, you found a small, yellow flower nonchalantly sitting in the middle of the room.

"Howdy!" the flower said.

"I'm Flowey! Flowey the flow--"

"AHHHHHHHH!!!" you screamed, as you used your purse to swack the flower across its... FACE?!

"HEY! WATCH IT, YOU IDIOT!" the flower barked.

You pulled yourself to a stop, struggling to process what on earth just happened.

"S-Sorry..." you murmured quietly. "It's not exactly every day that you see a TALKING flower..."

The flower groaned as it used one of his vines to facepalm.

"Ugh... Let me try again..." the flower cleared his throat (though you're not exactly sure how), and spoke up again.

"As I said, my name is Flowey. Flowey the flower. You're new here, aren't you?" he asked, giving you a cute smile.

You took a moment to process everything and finally said, "Uh... Yeah... You could say that."

Is this really happening..? Am I really talking to a flower right now..? you thought to yourself.

"Well, golly! You must be so confused!" he beamed, as if it was the best news he'd heard in a long time.

I think confused is an understatement...

"Well, worry not! I, Flowey, will guide you and be your new best friend!" he said, beaming even brighter, but this time with an evil grin.

"You see--" his words were suddenly cut off when a fireball went flying towards him, knocking him off of his roots and out of sight.

Suddenly, you saw a large, furry white creature towering over you, nothing but curved horns, shiny white fangs, and a small child-like figure was visible in the shadow that it created.

"My child, is this who you were talking about?" spoke a motherly voice.

"Yeah! I told you she'd be here!" answered a familiar voice.

Is that... Frisk?

"Frisk..? Is that you?" you asked softly.

In a matter of just seconds, you found yourself pinned to the ground by a certain laughing, purple and blue stripe wearing eight year old torpedo.

"Frisk! It is you!" you happily cried out.

Frisk hugged tightly on to you, not wanting to let go.

The moment Frisk let you go, they immediately began to ramble on about all their adventures.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa. Slow down, kiddo," you said with a laugh.

Frisk took a few deep breaths and started over again.

"I have so much to tell you! I told Goat Mom all about you, and she was really excited to meet you! Now that you're here, we can talk about all my awesome adventures! I bet you'd love to meet Sans and Papyrus! They're really funny!" they said excitedly.

"Sans and Papyrus? As in Comic Sans and Papyrus... The fonts?" you asked curiously.

Frisk nodded and said, "Yeah! That's their names! They're the skelebros!"

Skelebros... They must be skeletons, then.


"So... Let me get this straight. You've been coming here for the past... Three years?!" you asked Frisk, hardly being able to process any word which had just come out of them.

Frisk nodded quickly as they took another bite out of the butterscotch cinnamon pie Toriel had made for the both of you. You had learned the names of a few monsters, including the Toriel, who Frisk called 'Goat Mom', while she led both you and Frisk back to her home.

You took a deep sigh. This was going to take a while.

A/N: WHOA- It's been a REALLY long time since I've posted a chapter! I just had a HUGE writer's block. I've also been really busy with school, and that can be pretty stressful. I know this chapter isn't that long, and I wanted it to be longer. I'll try my best to make up for it in the next chapter, whenever that comes out. As you can probably tell, I also went from present tense words to past tense words. I didn't like the look of the present tense, so I went back and edited everything. I'm also a bit iffy with the whole, "you/your" thing. I might convert it to "I/my" soon. Just to please my OCD. Anyways, thanks for sticking with me! Love you all!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 17, 2018 ⏰

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