Reader Survey

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Hi everyone! If this is a book you have read before or have just finished, I would love a moment of your time for some help.

I've decided to put off querying for agents a little longer to do another full edit of this book. I've edited most of it already, but I wanted to find out from readers what they think would improve this book the most.

I have some questions below and I would love if you could take a minute to answer. Your answers will be used to help improve this book for readers like you.

Here are some things I have already changed/have considered changing. Please feel free to comment on whether you believe these things are a good thing to change:

- The character Lexi has been taken out. The texts she sent to Clare are now from Liam and Emma, and they are a part of the prank used to help get Clare and Emerson together. This is meant to tie the story together more.

- Emma's name has been changed to Maddie to get rid of the Emerson/Emma confusion.

- The story is now in 1st person instead of 3rd. This has helped in going deeper into each character's mind.

- Serena was not involved in kidnapping Eleanor. However, she feels guilty for not immediately running to the police when she discovered Eleanor in the cabin. I felt it was unrealistic for Serena to do this to her friend, especially since it was important to me that Serena got off free in the end.

- Serena was not a bully. She went through a tough time after what happened to Eleanor that was fueled further by seeing Emerson fall for Clare, which made her change and start lashing out more. I have tried to make her more human and make her actions more understandable.

- I am considering formatting the book in a before/after style where there is a chapter or so from after the party and then a chapter or so from before. This might help to make the mystery more interesting right off the bat and keep the beginning from dragging.

Other Questions:

Please feel free to answer as many of these as you want. Don't worry about being honest- harsh feedback helps the most.

1. If this book were published, would you buy/read it? Why or why not? If not, what would make you buy it?

2. What, other than what was listed above, would help to improve this book?

3. Was there any part of the plot that confused you/didn't make sense?

4. What do you think of the title? Do you think it does a good job of drawing in readers and representing the theme and plot of the book, or would something else work better?

5. Did you enjoy the plot? What would have made it better?

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