Chapter 4

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"Pwince ewic!" The little girl yelled happily, running towards Jimin. The said boy smiled widely and squatted down, opening his arms to give the girl a big hug.

She squealed happily as she fell into his arms, her parents laughing behind her. "Hi! What's your name?" Jimin asked cheerfully, smiling down at the cute girl.

"My name is Mika! I'm tree." Mika smiled proudly, causing Jimin to smile even wider. "You're three! Wow you're so pretty." Jimin smiled fondly as Mika blushed and looked down.

"Pwince ewic is my favwit pwince." Mika smiled widely, revealing she was missing her two front teeth, probably why her pronunciation was so cute.

"What about Prince Charming?" Yoongi spoke up from next to Jimin, gesturing to himself.

"He's stupid!" Mika giggled as Yoongi's grin fell, a pout forming on his lips.

"Why? What did I do?" Yoongi fell to his knees, a sad look on his face.

"You didn't know who da pwincess was!" Mika frowned at Yoongi, who groaned in realization.

"I'm sorry Princess Mika! Please forgive me." Yoongi brought his hands up in a praying motion, causing Jimin to scoff.

"Princess Mika loves me more! Don't you?" Jimin smiled again as Mika jumped up and down, giggling.

"Yes! Pwince Ewic is the best!" She yelled loudly before jumping into Jimin's arms again.

Her parents smiled fondly before taking a picture of the scene, complete with Yoongi fake sobbing at Mika's betrayal.

"Bye bye!" Mika waved to both of the men as she walked off with her parents.

"She was so cute!" Jimin gushed, causing Yoongi to groan. "She hated me for no reason! I'm sorry my character is an idiot." The male pouted.

"It's not just your character that's an idiot." Jimin giggled as Yoongi lightly pushed him backwards.

"Anyways, all the kids in this park love me. Get used to it." Jimin stuck his tongue out as Yoongi scoffed, stepping backwards.

"Wanna bet, Mr. Park?" Yoongi smirked at the male who had an equally determined expression.

"You're on, Min."

A/N: life is hard but that's okay I guess

Happy ending; YoonminWhere stories live. Discover now