Chapter 7

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"Yoooooongiiiii~" Jimin called, leaning back in his makeup chair. Yoongi grunted and looked up from his phone.

The two boys were currently in their resting room. Yoongi was doing god knows what on his phone while Jimin struggled at fixing his makeup.

"Can you help me with my eyes?" Jimin asked sweetly, using his classic pouty face as an attack weapon. Yoongi groaned and got up from the couch. He walked over to him slowly, his eyebrows furrowed.

"You think I know anything about makeup?" Jimin giggled and rolled his eyes at Yoongi's attitude. He picked up a makeup brush with a large bristle and handed it to the white haired boy.

"I already put some eyeshadow on it. Just softly brush it against my eyelid." Jimin chuckled as Yoongi let out a breath of a relief, assuming the job was easy enough.

Jimin fluttered his eyelids closed; his lips slightly parted as he waited for Yoongi to do the task. Yoongi swallowed before leaning down slightly so that he was right next to Jimin's face. He brought the brush up to Jimin's eyelid before gently rubbing it in, creating a slight grey tint.  

Jimin swallowed harshly as he struggled to stay still and remain calm

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Jimin swallowed harshly as he struggled to stay still and remain calm. How gentle Yoongi was being was making his heart beat faster and faster. He held his breath in, scared that if he breathed he would awake from this amazing dream.

After a couple of seconds of silence, Jimin felt the soft bristles leave his eyelid. He kept his eyes closed, too shy to open them. A quiet sigh was heard from Yoongi, the cool air hitting his face softly.

Suddenly Jimin felt a slight tingle on his lips. He drew in a small breath of air as he pushed towards the feeling slightly.

He opened his eyes halfway to see that Yoongi's finger was placed on his lips, applying a thin coat of shiny clear lip gloss. He swiped his finger over his bottom lip over and over, staring intently at his plump lips.

 He swiped his finger over his bottom lip over and over, staring intently at his plump lips

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"Sorry just... I thought it would look nice." Yoongi backed up a step, but remained close to Jimin's face. The younger male blushed.

"I mean it does look nice! It really does. I just wanted to try something I guess." Yoongi stumbled over his words, wincing as he did so. Jimin giggled and nodded his head, internally calling him a dork.

"It's okay. Do you maybe wanna get something to eat? It's almost lunchtime anyways." Yoongi's eyes lit up and he grinned at the invitation.

"I would love to." He cleared his throat before backing away and allowing the boy to stand up. He was glad that the awkward tension had let up, or else he probably would have choked.

"Where to?" He asked, watching as Jimin grabbed his jacket and gave him a small grin.

"There's this place like twenty minutes from here that I've been dying to eat at. Is that too far?" Jimin pouted at Yoongi, begging the older boy with his eyes to go with him.

Yoongi chuckled and shook his head before opening the door for the cute boy. "Lead the way, Chim Chim."

A/N: I got my boyfriend and me promise rings today and he deadass jumped up and SQUEALED I can't even tell who's the man in this relationship anymore

Happy ending; YoonminWhere stories live. Discover now