Pokemon Truth/Dare Fanfiction!!

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  • Dedicated to Zoegrace1

Hi everyone! This is the very same fanfic that I posted on fanfiction.net, but I couldn’t continue writing it because of those rules, so when I found wattpad I decided to post it right away! I made this with my awesome friend Zoegrace1, who loves Portal and is a slight bit insane.. lol! Anyways, enjoy!!

 Hello and welcome to my first fanfic!! I thought I should just start out my account by doing a Truth/Dare Talk show because I’ve always loved them!! Anyways, here is your co-host, Zoegrace1!!

Zoe: I’m doing some dares. Deal with it >:D

 BTW Zoe is not her real name. Neither is Grace. Or one.

 But of course, I am the MAIN host, PokeAvatarHeartr! Just call me Korrena. (Not my real name either, check my account description)

 Here are the vic- ahem, I mean contestants! Yeah! I totally didn’t mean to say victims!!

 Zoe: riiiight..

 - Ash

 - Misty

 - May

 - Drew

 - Dawn

 - Paul

 - Leaf

 - Gary

 - And our special guest (who will only be in certain chapters cos I have been torn between Poke and Amour) is Serena!! (Uh oh, Zoe isn’t gonna like this…)

 I decided to stick with Pokeshipping (yay the original two!!) But I don’t really mind Amourshipping, because I still think it’s kinda cute!! 

And send in Truths/Dares for me and Zoe!

 If you check the things that I wrote about myself on my profile, you will see that I ABSOLUTELY HATE HOMOSEXUAL RELATIONSHIPS!!! SO PLEASE DO NOT SEND IN ANYTHING LIKE THAT AND EXPECT ME TO WRITE ANYTHING LIKE THAT!!! And please no Pokemon/Human relationships, *cough* Zoe no Wally x Gardevoir!!! *cough* 

Zoe: *whispers* I ship Wheatell and Wally X Gardevoir screw you.

One more thing: In a few chapters I will let in characters from other fandoms that I love or other Pokemon characters into the fic!

And for the dares you can torture them!! MWAH HA HA!!!

All characters listed above: (enters) Hey Korrena!

Me (Korrena): Hey guys!

May: What’s going on?

Ash: I heard an evil laugh!

Me: Oh, uh.. hehehe… 

Zoe: Oh. That was, uh, Wheatley. *plays laugh clip of Wheatley* 

Everyone: ...

Ash: Go, Pikachu!

Pikachu: Pika!

Ash: Why were you laughing?! Is it because you’re really Team Rocket in a disguise??

Me: Of course not! 

Zoe: We might be! You’re so stupid you wouldn’t be able to tell!

Ash: Then tell us why you were laughing!!

Me: NEVER!!!

Ash: Why?

Zoe: Because Korrena’s going to torture you.

Ash: WHAT??? Argh.. Pikachu, Thunderbolt!!

Pikachu: Pikaaaaa…

Me: Alright, time to see if I’ve trained enough 

Everyone except Ash and Pikachu: Trained?!

Pikachu: CHUUUUU!!!

Me: *redirects the lightning to the sky*

Everyone: O.O

Me: Next time when everyone tries to attack me, the bolt will redirect to all of you.

Zoe: And I will send out Auction, my Bibarel, to Return you to death!

Paul: A Bibarel? Pathetic.

Zoe: *glares at Paul*

Leaf: Korrena… H..how did you do that??

Me: I’m the Avatar, you gotta deal with it!!


Me: Yup.

Zoe: *crosses arms and shakes head* ugh.. not this Avatar stuff again...

Everyone except me and Dawn: Avatar?


*everyone except Korrena, Zoe and Dawn shakes heads*

Me and Dawn: (Makes everyone watch the whole series)

Me: They should be done watching by the next chapter. So, time to send in the truths and dares!! (But make most of them dares!! >:D)

May: *looks up from TV screen* But what if we don’t want to do the dares?

Me: If you don’t do the dares, You will get a taste of my Avatar powers. (I was born OP hehehe)

Me and Zoe: Start sending!!

Chapter One Extra!!

Zoe: Well, I’m bored… hehehe. LET THE GAMES BEGIN!

*Zoe presses a button and a cage comes up around the contestants*

Zoe: We’re going to play the Hunger Games!!!

Me: (sings Hunger Games BajanCanadian Minecraft Parody of Decisions by Bogore. Yes, I like Minecraft XD)

Hunger games,

I wanna win, I’ll win it all

I wanna win all day…

I’m not teaming, I’m not teaming

You shoulda seen my last hunger games!!


Ash: Nooo! I will defeat you! 

Zoe: Sure you will. Anyway, let the games begin! 

Me: Hey!! They’re supposed to be watching the whole Avatar series!!!

Zoe: Why do they have to watch the whole series anyway?

Me: Because they haven’t experienced the awesomeness yet.

Zoe: *sweatdrop* I haven’t watched it either… to be absolutely honest.. 

*I throw Zoe in the cage*


Zoe: Nuuuu! You play Portal and read my Wheatell fics! They’re drama genius, ya know!

Me: *sweatdrop* we fangirl a bit too much, don’t we? 

Zoe: We do, my friend…

Me and Zoe: And the games start now!

Me: Remember to review!!

Zoe: ..how many times have you said that?

Me: *shrugs* Meh.

 I will also put in the very few reviews from fanfiction.net. Hope y'all enjoy!

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