chapter nine.

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JUNE, 1967

It was her first time on the surface. It would be a night she would never forget for the rest of her entirely short life. Claire Locke had gone from an innocent child brought into Rapture by her parents, to a diseased little girl that drank from dead bodies and now, she was what Sofia Lamb and Gilbert Alexander called 'Big Sister.' Her real name now long forgotten, she would never know what it truly was. When she was brought back from her surgery nearly a month ago, she had a completely different mindset than before. While she was too quick-minded to even focus on surviving, now she was wired and ready for whatever danger came her way. Her powers were tested before her suit was granted, and that was about all the Family needed from her.

There were others. Including herself, Claire counted a total of six Big Sisters for the Family. Though none of them talked to each other, they communicated with gestures and small grunts, similar to what their Daddies did before them. They were way more flexible than their old protectors. After a few days of meeting and learning about these Big Sisters, Claire learned two of them knew her, and she knew them. They brought her to rooms where they left drawings, or toys or places they once played at. It was a warm feeling to know Claire was not alone in all of this, however feelings were rarely favored in Rapture, especially now. She would just make mental notes to help them out when needed. They were, after all, her sisters once upon a time. They all laughed and smiled and danced with each other. It was only fair.

For a few weeks, Claire was on duty to remind the citizens of Rapture who was in charge now. They were the guardians of the Family, the ones watching what everyone did. It was rumored they would report back to Sofia Lamb when they saw something interesting but, many noticed the Big Sisters didn't or couldn't talk. They made no noises at all when encountered, and if you were a threat, they would shriek so loudly one's brain would shake. Yet they still watched all. A saying then appeared on the walls: Be careful! Big Sister is watching. Claire noticed them even before her transformation into Big Sister. She never knew what they meant, as she never ventured into a place where Big Sister lurked. However now, she noticed that she saw Big Sister everywhere. On the walls, outside of the walls and inside of the people. Even the ones who weren't apart of the Family knew of Big Sister, and she infested herself in all of their lives. Claire didn't want to be apart of this infestation, but she had no choice. She was pulled in by Sofia Lamb and made to choke others. It was all for her.

She noticed the other Sisters leaving. Walking out of Rapture into the watery air, then flashing upwards until gone from sight. Claire had no idea where they went after they flew above, and it wasn't like she could just ask them. So far, four of the main six had gone up there. The other two, herself and a Big Sister with a dent in her helmet, were permitted to stay inside.

Claire wanted to ask Sofia, 'Why can't I go up where they go?' But it was like she had forgotten all the words that came with her mouth. Even if she really tried, Claire couldn't speak. The issue didn't scare her. It just annoyed her to a point of extremes. She tried to tell Sofia, in any way she could, and when Sofia finally did catch on, Claire was told no.

"Where they go is a privilege. They do the most important job within the Family. You will get there one day." Which wasn't the answer she wanted. It was too vague.

She took it out on the Splicers. Shrieking upon her arrival and crashing down in the square, Claire bent her upper body in a menacing way. The Splicers all around her backed away, some screaming and others mumbling, "We didn't do anything wrong. We didn't do anything wrong." Did Claire care? No. And she proved this by lifting a Splicer up into the air and crashing his body against the floor. The others began to run but she was too quick. She jumped up in front of their exit route and shrieked once again. They weren't getting out of there. They would never leave the square so long as they were alive.

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