Chapter 3: New Leaf

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"Come on Stingy, the treehouse belongs to all of us, not just you!" Trixie yelled from down on the ground. But Stingy, leaning out the treehouse window, just clucked his tongue at the other kids glaring up at him.

"Nuh-uh," he said. "It's built in MY tree, so it's MY treehouse, and you can't come up here!"

"If that's how you're gonna be," Trixie shot back, "then we're just gonna take OUR ladder!"

"Hey, stop that!" Stingy cried out with a mix of anger and dismay as Trixie started to pull the ladder away from the trunk of the tree. "How am I supposed to get down?!"

"Get used to living with the birds!" Trixie jeered.

"That's enough, Trixie," Stephanie said, and started to push the ladder back against the tree. "If he doesn't want to let us up there we can find something else to do. You can't just trap him in the treehouse."

"Come on, Pinkie, it's just a joke!" Trixie said, pulling back on the ladder against Stephanie's attempts. "Let him squirm up there a little."

"I've squirmed enough!" Stingy called shamelessly. "Let me down!"

"Not until you've sprouted wings and learned how to fly!" Trixie laughed.

"Trixie, this isn't funny anymore!" Stephanie insisted, trying to yank the ladder out of the other girl's hands. They struggled over control of the ladder and the towering tool started to twist and sway, standing free of the support of the tree.

"Uh oh," Trixie mumbled as the ladder began to teeter not towards the tree, but over her and Stephanie. "Okay, joke's over." Try as they did to push together however the heavy ladder was already teetering past the point of no return. The girls exchanged alarmed looks with each other. "I think this could be trouble," Trixie said with crumbling bravado.

"Help!" both girls changed their tactics. Stingy watched out the treehouse window with his own look of growing horror. Parked not a few feet nearby was his car, right in line with the falling ladder!

"Somebody help!" Stingy joined in with the girls' calls. "My car's in danger!"

"STINGY!" Trixie exclaimed through her clenched teeth, unable to do anything else.


High overhead in the circling airship, Sportacus' crystal flashed and beeped on his chest and interrupted his calisthenics. He glanced down quickly at it with a worried frown.

"Someone's in trouble," he knew. "Door!" The airship responded to his command and dropped down the hatch for him to step out on a viewing platform. Pulling out the spyglass strapped to his back he scanned the panoramic view he had of LazyTown, looking for what was amiss.

He spotted Stingy leaning out of the kids' treehouse looking scared out of his mind, but why? The ladder was right— Oh, no. Sportacus could see the ladder slowly coming down like a timbering tree on top of Trixie and Stephanie! He had to get down there right away! With a few hasty steps backwards Sportacus shouted a command to his airship before leaping out into the open air in a swan-dive.


He free-fell for several hundred feet, shooting down like an arrow until the single-occupant pedaling glider caught up to him in a streaking arc. He landed on the device and put his head down to pedal with all his might, barreling through the sky towards the treehouse. It would be close, he was only moments away, but the ladder was coming down with all its weight now and gaining its own speed—

Robbie Rotten was on the scene, grabbing at the ladder higher up than the girls could reach and helping to push it back. He wasn't strong like Sportacus, though, and his knees buckled and his arms shook from the strain of trying to use his muscles on something so heavy.

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