2 - Kiss Me...?

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Philip guided George upstairs and into his yellow bedroom. "You really like the color yellow, don't you?" George asked, admiring the room. "Yeah, surprised you haven't noticed yet..." Philip smiled.

George hummed. letting out a quiet 'oh', he handed Philip his vanilla bean frappuccino. Setting the donuts down on the bed. He settled down next to Philip. "Is your brother's room red then?" He asked. Philip nodded as he drank his sweet drink. "Hm... I like yellow, it suits you, y'know, with innocence and all that..." George shrugged. Philip almost choked on his drink.

"Innocent? Far from that, I dress 'like a whore', wear makeup, and you have not seen my encrypted history, Eacker." Philip explained. George raised an eyebrow, "Really..? Who said you dressed like a whore? I think you look nice..." George complimented. Philip sighed, "It was only Jefferson, i don't let that prick get to me..." Philip said, putting his empty cup down and lying down on his bed, George joined him soon after.

"Hey, wanna play a game?" Eacker asked suddenly, "Sure! What are we playing?" Philip beamed, slipping back into his more 'innocent' state. "i don't know... Truth or Dare??" George suggested. Philip nodded. "Sounds good!" The two sat up and Philip shifted so he was across from Eacker. "Ok pip, Truth or Dare?" He asked. "Truth." Philip responded, proud of his choice.

"Is it true you're gay? if you don't mind me asking..." George asked, Philip's eyes brightened. "Yep! 100% gay over here!" Philip joked. The two laughed and debated who was more gay out of him and John. "Ok, Georgie! Truth or Dare?" Philip asked, making it sound more dramatic.

"Dare." George chuckled. Philip smiled. "Hmm... How about I have to sit on your lap until the game's over?" Philip suggested, managing to hide his blush. "Ok, come over here pip." George smiled.

Philip shuffled across the bed and sat so their chests were pressed together, but so were their crotches, it was only light. George wrapped his arms loosely around Philip's thin hips, bringing Pip's legs around his own waist. "Truth or Dare pip?" He asked. "Dare..." Philip smiled innocently. "Show me what you got Eacker..." He teased.

"Ooh... Ok Hamilton. I dare you to take off your 'beloved' makeup...!" George smiled widely. "Aww... I put this on especially for you though..." Philip sighed before smiling. "A dare's a dare though..."

He leant over to get a makeup wipe from his chest of drawers. Not removing himself from George's lap. "Did you really make yourself even more pretty for me?" George asked, slightly happy at Philip's thought. "Yeah! Thought you wouldn't wanna see what's beneath it though..." Philip admitted sheepishly.

"Would you like to do the honors of wiping away my hard work?" Philip offered him a makeup wipe. "Of course, princess..." George carefully took the wipe and wiped away the makeup at Pip's eyes.

Philip blushed at the nickname and closed his eyes, waiting for Eacker's unknown reaction of him without makeup. He heard a slight awe and peeled open his eye reluctantly. "You have freckles... That's adorable...!" George smiled, having mercy on the yellow lipstick that was still plastered on Philip's lips. "I prefer this instead of the foundation, just put your eye makeup and all that on, but leave the foundation off..."

Pip's blush intensified as he squeaked out a quick "Truth or Dare?" George took a moment to think. "Truth..!" George smiled. "Ok... Is it true that you're bisexual?" Pip asked. "Yes it is, although I lean over towards boys more than girls..." George admitted. Philip smiled. "That's ok with me..."

"Truth or Dare, pip...!" George smiled. "Truth..." Philip smiled back. "Ok... Uh... Would you ever date me?" He asked. "Probably, yeah..!" Philip squeaked.

George chuckled. "Truth or Dare, Georgie!" Pip squeaked out, pressing his head against George's chest while he thought of what to say for either of George's answers. "Dare." George smiled. "Uhh... I dare you to kiss me...?" It came out more like a question as Philip moved his head to look at George.

"Heh, alrighty then, gorgeous..." Eacker smirked, quickly grabbing Philip's hips and closing the space between them. Their lips slotted together perfectly, and they thought the other's lips were amazing as they moved in sync. Philip's were soft, and Eaker's were slightly chapped. George moved so they could lie down. Philip wound his arms around Eacker's neck to pull him down to meet his lips with a soft kiss.

Their kisses got a bit more passionate as George took off Philip's hat and Jacket. Philip slipped George out of his own black leather jacket so that he was left in his grey short-sleeved tee-shirt. Eacker slipped his hands up from Philip's hips to run against his sensitive skin until they pushed under his crop top.

The duo pulled away for air before diving back in. Philip moaned into the kiss as George rolled their hips together.

"Are you OK with this? Cuz i've been waiting to do this for a long time, Pip..." George asked, wanting to make sure before they got any further. "I'm not sure about actually doing 'it', but if you're ask me out..." Philip trailed off. "Of course I am..." Eacker gave him another soft kiss. "Great! I guess i'll be a lot more comfortable with this situation in the near future!" Philip smiled, cuddling close to Eacker.

"I think we both need a shower..." Philip said suddenly, allowing for George to sit back on his feet, pulling him with him. "Yeah, we do..." George chuckled. "Well, the main bathroom has a shower big enough for two so... You in..?" Philip asked shyly. George gently moved a bit of Philip's hair out of his face. "'Course..."

(I wanna try and make this very cuddly, but it will probably turn out as smut, sooooooo enjoy...?)

Philip pulled George along to the bathroom after finding two different outfits for both of them, a few towels were neatly stacked near the shower. "Damn... Welp... Who's doing what?" Eaker asked. "Well... We could shower together?" Philip suggested. "Sure, hun..." George gently kissed Philip's neck from behind, making the younger teen giggle slightly and move so he could put his hand on Eacker's jaw.

George slowly swayed them as he undressed Philip, admiring his anatomy. "You're gorgeous..." He whispered. Philip blushed and turned around so he could start taking off George's shirt. Once Eacker was in the same state as Philip, the younger male pressed his lips against his own. "And you're really, really handsome..." He whispered.

Philip pulled George into the walk-in shower. Turning on the water so it was the right temperature, Philip wrapped his arms around Eacker's neck, George's went around his waist, and they slowly started swaying again.

"So..." Eacker started, Philip kept his head tucked under George's chin. "Would you like to be a thing?" The older male asked. "Of course, i'd be honoured..." Philip smiled, pulling back to gently kiss him.

Once they were finished and had dried off, (phew, got through it without Smut, now we have to get through the rest of the chapter!) Philip slipped into a pair of grey tracksuits and an oversized shirt. George got into a black pair of tracksuit and abandoned the shirt on the floor.

They walked through the halls, together, fingers intertwined. Philip opened the door and let Eacker pull him in, they closed the door and shut off the light, flopping down on the bed.

"Hey, I'm really glad I came over tonight..." Eacker said quietly as they cuddled under the pastel yellow quilt. "I'm happy too, because now i'm dating the most handsome and caring person in the world..." Philip replied, nuzzling George's chest. "I hope you mean me and not those donuts that are now on the floor..." Luckily they were still in the bag, "heh, i meant you, silly..." Philip giggled.

The two fell asleep with George holding Philip close, and Philip curled up on George's chest.

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