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     "Johnathan, welcome back dear," the group counselor chirped. "Would you like to start us off today?" Her question was met simply with my blank stare. 

     "Why do you even bother?! It's not like the kid ever talks." One of the boys in the back of the room mouthed off. 

     "Does he even know how to? I dont think i've ever heard the idiot utter a word." Another piped up. I simply rolled my eyes, sliding deeper into my chair ignoring the smll bird sitting in the corner seemingly staring at me.  

     The counelor, visable annoyed, tried to silence the others. "Johnthan will speak when he likes to." The group went on as normal following that. Every person in that room counting down the minutes until we were released. 

     As the clock hin 3:30 everyone bolted up only to be stopped seconds after. "Everyone, i would like your attention for  quick moment," she paused as the grons begain. "Next week we will be participting in a group to the Portland Rock Music Meuseum. I have contacted your parents and all but one of you will be attenting." 

     The group erupts in cheers, me still sitting in the corner knowing i was to be that one left out. "Johnathan, my i speak to you before tou go?" i walk to the front of the room, sitting in the chair in front of her desk. "As im sure you know, due to your situation i have no was of getting someone to grnt permission for you to go with us next week. however on thr bright side you do get a week off of group that will not count against your orders. Remember if you need nything from me you always have my contacts." 

     I nod softly and stand to leave the room. "Oh and Johnthan, i really wish you would participate nd speak both to me and during the sessions."

     "M-maybe s-someday..." I stutter out leaving her in shock and continuing down the hall and out of the small building. 

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