Chapter one

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Walking down the hall wrestling my headphones out of the side pocket of my backpack,- i bump into a wall, falling back against the floor. "Hey you okay down there?"

    Turning around, silently walking towards the door i nod. “They were right, you really don't speak much do you?” I shook my head taking note to the fact that i've never seen this girl in the meetings. “I’m Holly. Nice to meet you.” she stuck her hand out motioning for me to shake it.

    “J-Johnathan.” i responded awkwardly. She smiles and followed me as i walk away, slightly gaining my concern.

    “Dont worry,” she starts, “ i live this way. Just up the streets a few blocks. Do you mind me walking with you?” i simply shook my head walking forward down the street. “So what's your sto…” i cut her off sticking my arm in front of her as a dog ran in front of us almost knocking her over. . She stood back confused staring at me strangle noticing the panic in my face. “I'm guessing that has something to do with it?”

    That wasn't real was it… shit… “yeah sorry. I'm assuming t-that wasn't real huh?” I turned and crossed street and continued down it trying to avoid the situation.

    “So hallucinations?” she asked, taking my silence as a yes. “They get bad don't they?” nodding silently i continue down the street towards my house. “This is my place, but i'll see you tomorrow maybe?

    “M-maybe, do you go to m-my school?”

    “Yes silly. I’m hard to miss.” smiling flirtatiously Holly turns skipping quickly up the steps to the door, me proceeding down the street. Only a block later and i'm on the way through my own.

    Almost instantly i'm knocked off my feet by one of the other boys.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 11, 2017 ⏰

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