
208 11 4

G's P.O.V.

That stupid guard.
Was it absolutely necessary the crack my ribs? Well apparently it was.

I leaned against the wall staring a Frisk.
"Can you do anything else other than stare into space?" She said, facing the opposite wall. "We need to come up with a plan."

That's cute, she thought I was staring into space.

"Alright, alright" I said, reaching my hand into my pocket. I pulled out a cigarette and lighter. I was trying to start the lighter when Frisk spun around and started yelling at me.

"HEY! Your like 17-" she started "18, sweetheart." "Still, you need to be 21 to even buy those!" "Yeah... I don't care." "You should! Your gonna get-" "what? Lung cancer?" I added and lifted up my sweater, gesturing to my non-existing lungs. "Stop cutting me off. Yeah, well I don't want cancer, so stop!" She said. "I haven't smoked this whole trip, and who knows how long we are gonna be in here, so get used to it. Also I'm wounded very badly." I added "Guilt tripping me isn't gonna work." She explained, walking to front of the cell.

"We gotta get out of here..." she said, crossing here arms and looking back to the bars.

I stood up and started yelling. "HEY! I KNOW YOU CAN HEAR ME, YOU JERKS!" "What are you doing?" Frisk asked, but I ignored her. "HEY MEAT-HEADS! GET OVER HERE!" "G..." she started "w-what are you doing?" She repeated. Just as she ended her sentence, guards came running through the halls
"shut it!" Said one of them. "What do you want!!?!" Said the other.
"Are you ever gonna feed us?" I said.
"You missed dinner last night and breakfast is in five minutes. Might as well take you now." The first one said, and he started unlocking the door.

They clicked handcuffs on both of us and lead us to a cafeteria. Nobody was there yet, but eventually they started pooling in. Frisk and I sat down at a table with some orange crap that was supposed to be some weird mix of carrots and jello. Not exactly breakfast-food.

The other prisoners seemed like they could eat Frisk alive. One monster kept glancing over at us. He was big and kinda looked like lion standing on two legs. He had three eyes, but he was too far away from me to see too much detail. A couple minutes later I hear a group of people talking. I turn around and it's the lion guy. We make eye contact and he immediately looked away. I can hear them describing Frisk and I listen into their conversation until the guards start yelling at us to go outside to cut down trees and pick up trash around the yard of Asriel's castle. Most of us were cutting down trees and hauling branches to scrap piles.

These guards are so stupid, they gave us frickin' chainsaws to cut the trees. We could just cut through each other's hand cuffs. I was about to try it, but then I realized I hadn't seen seen Frisk in a while...

Suddenly I hear her scream. I whip around and frantically start searching the yard. My eyes locked on a group of monsters who were beating her up. It's the same group from the cafeteria. She was coughing up blood and kept screaming. "G!" She yelled and something inside me snapped. With a flash of yellow light, I was between Frisk and the monsters.
"Look, her little boyfriend came to the rescue~" said the tallest one and he punched me in the nose. I threw a stronger punch at him and kicked his knees and he feel to the ground with a thud. I jumped on top of him and started to beat his face to the ground. The others yelled and tried to pry me off to help their leader but I stayed put. My eye flickered yellow and Gaster Blasters appeared at my sides, firing surges of pure energy. Blood stained my fists as he screamed. His attacks were getting weaker and weaker. A smile spread across my face and I started laughing. My punches were getting stronger and he stoped any attempt to fight back. His breaths began to cease but I couldn't stop. My laughing got louder and I knew he was dead. The monsters around me weren't trying to save him any more. The light in his eyes was gone completely, leaving them lifeless. When I was finished I stood up to admire my work.

"HEY!" Yelled the guard from this morning. I snapped out of it and was terrified. My smile disappeared and I looked at my hands. Blood dripping from them of course. I started shaking and slowly looked around everyone was frozen in fear and was staring at me. Then I saw Frisk. Her eyes had nothing but tears and fear. She... she was afraid  of me...

Guards came running and grabbed my arms and wrists. I don't fight it. I let them take me.

Four guards put his body in a black bag and carried him off.

I didn't even know his name.

He is dead.

I killed him.

Author's note:

... so that happened.

I didn't mean for it to get that intense when I started this chapter, but ok.


Anyway, I'll put Frisk's split personality (Chara) in the next chapter because we haven't seen her in a while.
So I made this chapter a little longer than most of my other ones because I felt like they were too short, and I was too lazy to crop the picture.

Originally the lion guy with three eyes was gonna get killed, but I think I will use him in future chapters. Hehehehehe.

Goodnight and Good morning, my beautiful humans!

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