Loki's Daughter

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Loki stared at a glass mirror for a long time, a small figure appearing through the glass. His forwn wekened into a smile as he watched the girl walk along the streets of London. 
The girls named was Scarlet. She walked with style, moving her way through the crowds of people around her. 
She flicked her long brown hair behind her and smiled, her large dark blue eyes searched through the crowd as if she was looking for one particular object. Loki kept watching her, pulling his legs up on the armrest of the throne so that he was sitting sideways. 
Scarlet kept moving, her light blue waterfall dress flowed behind her, with a small purple lether jacket to keep her warm. 
She stepped into a cafe and ordered a mochacino, sitting down at a nearby table to wait. She crossed her legs and looked at her phone, scrolling through her recent text messages that she had gotten from her foster parents. 
A tall man stood in front of her, peering down at her innocent body as if he ws a lion, looking for a lamb to devour. Scarlet looked up at the man and raised her eyebrow, 
"May i help you?" She asked politely, tilting her head slightly to the side so that the sun didn't block her vision of the man before her. The man said nothing, his face was expressionless but grasped her arms and pulled her up, dragging her outside hte cafe before she could think about what was happening. 
"OI! LET ME GO!!!" She screamed as she struggled to get free, wrenching her arms out of his grasp. He snarled and grabbed them again, this time his grip was tighter, making her wince in pain. 
"Come" The man told her. His voice was deep and serious, pulling her down the street and into a small alleyway. Loki grinned as he watched, he couldn't help but smile. 
Scarlet was drgged onto a small X and suddenly was lifted off the ground and pulled up into the sky, flying past the clouds and into space. She screamed in fear as the pull became stronger, finally dropping her on the ground. She opened her eyes slowly and peered around, trying to catch her breath. 
The room was huge, gold and green decorated the walls and ceiling, a small balcony coming off the side that led out to a beautiful landscape filled with hills and trees. There was a large bookcase with thousands of books, and next to it a large bed. it was covered with green silk, making it look inviting the eye. 
Scarlet looked around, standing exactly where she was, afraid to take a step. 
"Scarlet, you're dreaming, this is just a dream" She whispered to herself, finally taking one step then another. She started to walk around the room, touching the wooden decrotive desk opposite to the bed. She continued into the bathroom. The bathroom was pure white, with a large shower, toilet and bathub, filling up most of the room. She stepped out of the bathroom and gasped, seeing a man standing in the room with her. 
"Who are you??! Why did you bring me here?! Where am i?!" Scarlet yelled at her kidnapper, not afraid of him or what he might do to her. 
"My name is to be told at a later time, you are here becasue you belong here and you are on-" The man replied as the door suddenly opened. Another man stepped in and looked at Scarlet and Loki together. 
"Does she remember?" The man asked Loki in a serious tone. 
"Not yet, but she will" Loki replied, looking at Scarlet's confused yet frightened face. Scarlet stared at the two men, tilting her head slightly. She could remember something about them but she couldn't remember what it was. 
"Tell me when she does" The man said as he left them. Scarlet backed up in fear, shivering slightly. Loki noticed the nervousness and sighed 
"I won't harm you" He said sweetly as he paced the room slowly, looking at her intently, "You have grown though" 
"Grown? i don't understand, who are you?" Scarlet replied sadly. 
"I last saw you when you were two years old, i had to... i mean i..." Loki struggled, trying to find words to explain the situation. 
"I was on Earth when i was two years old, what are you talking about?" Scarlet interrupted, getting a bot scared of this physco maniac. 
"You were only small, i didn't want to but they took you, the humans took you from my grasp." Loki explained sadly, a tear fell from his left eye as he said these words, "Scarlet, sweetie, i am Loki or Asguard and i am your father" 
"WHAT?!!!!" Scarlet screamed, not believing what she was hearing, "You abandoned me for fourteen years!! what kind of parent would do that to a child?!" 
"they took you away from me, i couldn't do anything to stop it" Loki replied, growling at her for yelling at him. 
Scarlet sighed as she sat on the bed and cried, holding her head in her hands. Loki sat next to her and.......
(Haha cliffhanger. ok this is my first lokis daughter fanfic, please comment and vote and read, thanks, Shatter xx) 

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