Don't let go

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They had won another battle. Defeated more of the galra. Freed more planets from Zarkon's grasp.

Everything had gone off without a hitch. Everything went perfect.

Until it didn't.

A sentry stood back up and aimed his gun at Keith.

Lance saw this and acted fast. He dropped his batted and sprinted over to Keith, shoving him away in the process Lance took the shot instead of the red paladin.

"Lance what are you-" Keith stopped mid-sentence as he saw his boyfriend drop to his knees and a dark red blotch on his paladin armour growing by the second.

Keith quickly took down the sentry and rushed to Lance.

"Lance! Lance what the hell were you thinking!" Keith cupped his hands on either side of the other boy's face.

"That you were to-" he paused and coughed and closed his eyes in pain before continuing "to beautiful to die in such a lame way- th-there weren't even any explo- explosions".

"You asshole! It was supposed to be me! Not you!" Tears were pooling down Keith's face "Shiro- Shiro get a healing pod ready now!".

Shiro's voices of mixed confusion and concern sounded through the coms "what? What happened??".

"Lance he- he got shot, just get a fucking pod ready!" Keith pushed onto Lance's wound making the blue Paladin yell in pain.

"Ah!" Lance squeezed his eyes shut barely able I contain his whimpers.

"I know I know I'm sorry- I'm sorry I-" Keith was cut off by Lance tilting his head away from Keith and coughing up blood.

"Shiro hurry up!" Keith's voice came out more strained than he wanted it too.

"I'm almost there! Talk to lance and keep him awake" Shiro commanded.

"Lance- Lance look at me" Keith tilted Lance's head until he was looking into his eyes "okay- talk to me. Tell me about your family. You want to see them again don't you? You mom and dad? You sisters and brothers? Nephews, nieces, aunts uncles?? Grandparents?? Tell me about them all" Keith urged.

"M-mama? U-um she made the best garlic knots and took me and my siblings.... to Varadero beach every day during the summer... my dad got me.. m-my first.. job..." Lance's eyes began closing until Keith slapped him.

"No! Don't close your eyes! Keep going!" Keith yelled.

"I-I um- my sister... Tia.. had her kids and let me come over and play.. with them whenever i wanted.. my-my brothers Andrew, Nico and I went to the arcade almost.. every weekend... my sister Anita and I... would.... would...." his breathing slowed down but he continued nonetheless "would take our nieces and nephews to the park every day after school for an hour...".

Suddenly the black lion swooped in and took blue in its mouth. Shiro's voice flooded Keith's ears "get in the red lion and get to the castle".

Keith didn't hesitate as he picked up lance and bolted to his lion.

In only a matter of seconds Keith was already flying at top speed.

Usually the red paladin would take the time to land red carefully but Lance's life was on the line. Keith got up and ran out of his lion, past his awaiting team that had gathered in the red lion's hanger and to the healing pods.

He spared not time in getting lance into the healing pod suit and setting him inside.

Keith paced back and forth as Allura started the pod.


Keith hasn't left the medical bay for five days  other than to use the bathroom.

Hunk brought him food, Pidge offered company, Shiro brought blankets the second night after he realized that Keith wasn't going to leave until he knew Lance was safe.

Coran gave Keith updates on Lance since he didn't understand Altean and Allura comforted him.

It was currently around 3 in the morning earth's time and it was just Keith huddled up in a blanket and holding Lance's jacket to his his face.

"You probably can't even hear me... but you wouldn't be in there if you'd just let me get hit..." Keith muttered but could still imagine his boyfriend's response.

'And let your fine ass get hit? Um i think the fuck not. Keith sit your ass down and listen to me, if you ever got it I wouldn't be able to live with myself knowing I could've stopped it. Don't ever say that again you hear me? You are worth more than every star in the damn universe'.

Keith chuckled quietly "yeah he would say that...".

Suddenly the whoosh of the pod opening sounded behind him and Keith rushed into his feet and caught his boyfriend.

"Lance!" Keith cried with tears in his eyes.

Lance looked up tiredly "okay now I know I'm dead cuz I just saw an angel.." he smirked.

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