Assasination (prince and bodyguard au)

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"Prince Lance are you ready?"

"Yes" Lance looked up at the mirror in front of him and saw his bodyguard standing behind him.

"Good it's time to go" Keith held out his hand and lance turned and took it.

The galra led the altean out of the room and down out of the castle.

Lance's sister, Allura, was nearby with her own bodyguard, Shiro.

As they were walking Keith walked close behind and they had a small conversation.

"So what do you think this ball will be like?" Lance asked quietly.

"Considering I've went to many balls along side you I'd assume that this one won't be any different from the others" Keith replied.

"Boring" the prince grumbled in a low tone.

The bodyguard chuckled.

"Princess move!" Lance looked beside him to his sister falling and Shiro get shot with something in the arm.

Then without warning, Lance felt this searing pain in his chest.

Screams erupted from around them.

"Prince!" Lance heard Keith shout.

Lance felt light but suddenly a pair of warm hands were on his back.

It didn't take him long to realize that he had been falling and Keith had caught him.

Suddenly Lance was screaming in pain.

Allura was by his side holding his hand "Lance! Lance it's okay! You'll be fine".

Lance looked down and saw a small dark hole were one of his lungs could be.

He felt pain rack through his body as he coughed. Soon coughing turned into choking and choking turned into gurgling as he choked on his own blood.

Then everything went dark.


The next thing Lance knew he was in a bed with bandages around his chest.

He sat up quickly and looked around in a panic "where am I?!".

Footsteps rushed over to him and laid him down.

"Prince please! You need to rest!" A familiar voiced scolded him.

"Keith?" Lance looked up as he was pushed back down against the bed gently.

"Yes Prince?" Keith looked at him.

"What happened?" The altean questioned.

"There.... there was an assassination planned.. there was no ball it was just a scheme to kill the heirs to the throne" Keith looked down.

Lance's eyes widened "is Allura okay??".

"What- oh! Yes yes! She just has a scrape from falling that's all!" Keith looked back at the Prince.

"What about Shiro??" Lance looks slightly panicked.

"He was shot in his robotic arm he's perfectly fine too. It was you that everyone was worried about. The shot just barely missed your heart and grazed your left lung. You almost died Your maje-" Lance cut him off before the galra could continue.

"Call me Lance" he said.

"B-ur Prince it goes against protocol" Keith defended.

"Well then call me Lance when we are alone. It's not breaking protocol unless they know" He smirked.

"B..." he sighed knowing he was on the losing side of the augment "fine.. Lance".

The other boy smiled fondly before pulling Keith down into a kiss.

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