Frozen (superhero au)

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Most battles were easy. You know the typical bank robbery or purse thief or even saving cat from a tree.

The most exciting thing for Lance in the superhero business was was training with his team.

But this Battle was different.

This team of villains had powers, one could freeze and unfreeze you but only without Ice.

One could control you with the touch of her hand.

One could disappear and reappear at ease.

Another one could pick up cars with her pinky and throw it to the outside of town.

The last one did not appear to have any powers other than the ability to jump high up, though she did have guns she was well skilled with.

Lance could barely take on two and he feel his powers taking a toll on him. Overusing them had dangerous effects which is why Lance had never dared to see what would happen if he did.

"Come on Blue! Your team needs you! Why are you so useless?" He heard Chameleon taunt him.

"Just kill him already!" Strong suit yelled as she picked up a street light and tossed it at Yellow.

Red was overusing his powers but he didn't let it show.

Green's plant were growing weaker

Blacks hands were turning grey.

Yellow was starting to struggle to move the rocks

Lance, he was starting to freeze up.

Everybody's power each had their own effects after being overused.

Green and Yellow started to struggle using them.

Black's hands would start to turn darker and he would grow tired.

Red with overheat and need to get some water to cool down.

Blue would freeze. Although Red's side affect could be deadly in most cases Blue's would result in death.

Lance had started to soon realize his hands were starting to freeze over but ignored it.

Soon The galra retreated leaving voltron to rest.

Lance leaned against a wall and closed his eyes taking a few breaths.

Red came over "good they retreated I need water lance can you help?".

"Yeah.. yeah okay" Lance opened his eyes and sat up straight shaking slightly.

He lifted his hand and a cube of ice about the same sized formed in his palm.

He threw it up above Keith and backed up as he watched his boyfriend throw life up in the air to meet the cube and melt it resulting in water raining down on him.

"Thank you" Keith rubbed his eyes.

"I'm going to head back for something to eat. Wanna come?" Keith asked slightly turning.

"I..I'll meet up with you" Lance said leaning against the wall again.

"You okay?" The other boy asked.

"I-I'm f-fine why do you-you ask?" Lance was shivering now.

Keith looked down at the cuban's feet and saw ice up to his knees.

His eyes widened in horror "your feet!" Keith immediately kneeled and pressed his hand to the ice that was quickly spreading.

But it reformed just as fast as Keith could melt it.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 12, 2017 ⏰

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