Chapter 7

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*Your p.o.v.*

I sighed while watching YouTube on my gaming system, bored since Mark left awhile ago to go record. But that got me thinking, I had to get everyone Christmas presents!!!

I quickly ran to my laptop which was at the dinner table and looked at Amazon to order everyone presents. I ordered Mark a new pair of headphones to record, Ethan these shoes he wanted, and Tyler a Christmas sweater and Amazon card. And for Chica I got her some toys, a sweater and a dog bed with her name on it.

Since it was the afternoon I decided to go get wrapping paper to wrap everything when it came in the mail, and also to get some dinner.

I grabbed my phone and purse while walking out the door to my car. I locked the front door and got inside my car, starting up the engine before pulling out.

I drove to town while listening to music, singing as the songs changed.

Though it wasn't before long until I reached the superstore. I walked in and went immediately to the wrapping paper, finding two different rolls I liked; one with penguins and one with puppies in hats and sweaters.

I smiled as I grabbed them and went to self checkout, paying for the two rolls before leaving. Though on my way out I decided I would just go to the new Chinese restaurant that just came to town.

I put the rolls in the backseat and then got in the front, turning the ignition and driving to the cute little restaurant.

I walked inside and a waitress immediately took me to a table; it was right next to the large corner booth which was surprisingly empty.

While looking at my phone after ordering food, I saw Mark walk in. He immediately looked at me and walked over after talking to the waiter at the door.

"Hey (Y/n)! Didn't expect to see you here!" Mark chirped while sitting at he chair across from me smiling. I smiled back with my eyes glistening and said, "yeah! I went out to get wrapping paper for Christmas and figured that I would stop here for dinner since everyone says it's so good."

I looked at Mark and he was scanning over the menu in what to get, until he finally decided on the sesame chicken with a water.

The two of us talked for about 15-20 minutes until our food arrived, making the two of us shut up so we could stuff our faces with the delicious food.

We both ate happily until Mark broke the silence. "Hey uh (Y/n)?" I looked up and saw Mark had stopped eating. "Yes?"

"I was wondering if... maybe you wanted to um.. be my girlfriend?"

At that moment the people at the tables around us grew dead silent and all looked at Mark and I, blood rushing to my cheeks.


Everyone awed around us making me blush more while Mark smiled like an idiot. "Yay!!" Mark cheered practically shaking the table in joy.

The rest of the time at the restaurant we both chatted on random things and made jokes until finally we paid the bill and exited the building.

"I love you." Mark whispered while bringing me into a hug before kissing me on the lips.

"I love you too Mark. But I have to go home so I can get caught up on paperwork. I'll talk to you later!" I kissed his cheek and finally walked over to my car, waving as I pulled out of the parking lot to go home.

What a day.

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