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(Quick A/N this is a flash back from when the doctors tried to call Tyler and he answered and yelled at them. Also this takes place where Y/N first woke up)
I remember seeing Tyler and hearing my favorite song of his, Truce and then blackout. I can feel myself regain control over my body and I am slowly being able to hear and see again. I saw a brown headed girl, and a brown headed man.
"Tyler?" I asked.
The brown haired girl grabbed my hand.
"That's Mike." She smiled.
"Mike?! No I'm dating Tyler not Mike." I yelled.
"No Y/N Tyler wouldn't answer his phone." The girl said.
"You mean he left?" I asked tears fighting to escape my eyes.
The girl just nodded her head.
"I'm Beth." She spoke.
"Y/N" I replied not knowing what to do.
"Press this button and let me know if you need anything." Beth smiled as her and mike walked away.
I stared at the celling.
Why Tyler? I began to let my thoughts take over.
I thought you loved me. You said you would never leave me. Im so sorry. Please be okay.
I couldn't get up yet so I just went back to sleep.

You Will Never Know Why.... Book 2 (Tyler Joseph x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now