The mission

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3rd person POV
Jedi Temple

The Jedi council had just assigned Anakin and Ahsoka to a 5 month mission on the planet Mondolla (made that up, I think).
Later, still at the Temple: Anakin and Ahsoka were boarding a ship to take them to the star cruiser. The curious padawan asked "Master what's so important on Mondolla?" The Master told his young padawan "I'll tell you in the briefing Snips". Once on board they were greeted by captain Rex "hello general" Rex said to Anakin getting a smirk in response. "Rex, are we ready?" His reply was from Admiral (I believed spelled that right) "yes general we are ready." "Then let's get going" was Anakin's reply, heading to the bridge

In the briefing room:
Soon everybody was briefed on the mission. "Everyone got that?" Anakin asked the troopers along with his padawan, everyone nodded. "We are nearing the planet" Admiral told the general. "Prepare for landing" Anakin said ready for the fight ahead of him.

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