seven; sweater

120 19 3

"Are you ready to go yet?"

"Just give me a minute!"

"Didn't you say that five minutes ago?"

"Shut up! Beauty takes time! I learned that from the best, y'know."

"I'm gonna kill you. Get your ass out here already."

Mitch heard a groan from the other side of the door, and only after another minute passed did the bedroom door open to show Scott in dark jeans and a Christmas sweater that looked awfully familiar.

"Is that my sweater?"

"Uh, maybe?"

"How..." Mitch trailed off in disbelief. "How did you even fit into it?"

"Have you looked at your closet lately?" Okay, maybe he did have a point.

"But why would you even want to steal it?"

"You steal my stuff all the time, so I wanted to give it a try."

"You're ridiculous."

"But you still love me."

Mitch could only smile in response.

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