What-!? -NoseDive

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(THIS IS A SEXUAL BASED THEME. You have bee warned. If you can't tell by now, I really love NoseDive :3)

Ever since he met her, he just can't imagine his life without her. And as much as he loves hanging around her, joking and been lazy teens that they are, he can't help but feel a certain way. 

A tingling sensation in his lower abdomen, and further. A naughty idea rated for T for teens, as he put it. Besides his heart fluttering, he's got a minor problem. Whenever he's daydreaming about her, well...his mind wonders. Thinking about the 'What-ifs' and such. Seeing her eating an ice pop, for example. He'll never look at one the same again. 

And that's only the beginning of it. Not only has his waking days been interrupted by dirty thoughts of the girl, but even in his dreams these thoughts come along. 

He doesn't mind watching such images raiding his brain. He just wishes he could do something about it. Often a time he's left alone in his room, he'll think about the way she huff and puff after running in the morning. Or notice how large her rear end seems to be recently. But that isn't the only big thing he keeps looking at.

Taking a deep breath, he groans to himself. How he desperately hates being a virgin still. The need to get satisfaction is becoming unbearable by the month. Though he is doing his best to keep it under wraps. 

"NoseDive, you in here?" It's Wildwing. Wonder what he needs he thought to himself.

"Polo, big bro."

"You doing alright?" He asks.

"Yeah, totally fine. Why? What's up?" 

"Uh, you seem a little giddy and hyper quite recently. Are you sure you're alright? There's nothing you wanna talk about?"

NoseDive began to feel nervous now. He wonders if his dear big brother knew of his little problem. Taking in a deep breath, he sat up, holding a pillow in his lap.

"Depends on what you're referring to." NoseDive says.

"Lets just say words got to me about your 'growing' problem." That is just what he was afraid of. "Come on, Dive. It's not that bad. It's part of life."

"It's not even because of that. It's-ugh" NoseDive cut off himself as he threw himself back onto his bed.

"Talk to me, little bro." Wildwing nudges him.

"It's just that I've been noticing a lot about this girl I like and it's just driving me bonkers-crazy-nuts even."

"Bad choice of words." Wildwing butts in. "But that just means your body has reached sexual maturity. It'll happen to all of us. Besides it just mean you body is ready to settle down. But since we make our own choices...well, ya'know."

"I just can't stand it..."

"Find something to take the drive away. Go running, excersize, take your mind off it. And hey, if you have any questions, come to Duke and I. He said he'd give you some advice if you'd need it."

"What about you, how do you deal with it?" NoseDive asks Wildwing.

"'Dive, I'm gonna tell you this only because you're my baby brother." he starts, "I lost my virginity two years before Dragonus came."

"What?!? You have got to be punking me."

"I'm not. Like I said, just ask if you have any questions."

NoseDive agreed and thanked him for trying to help out. At least he knows they understand and can help him.

"Oh, and NoseDive. Ask the her out on a date." 

NoseDive wonders what he means by that exactly. Maybe he knows something he doesn't?

(never said is was gonna be VERY sexual now did i?)

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