Chapter 2

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Libra's POV:

The next morning I woke up before Capricorn. Good Morning, Elise. I said to my wolf partner, Elise.

       Morning, Libra... responded Elise. I walked a few feet away from the clearing in which Capricorn and I had slept in and sniffed the air. Ah, the pleasant smell of pine was in the air.

      I did a few stretches and two went back to the clearing and saw that Capricorn was up. "Here." she said tossing me a fruit. I nodded as a thanks and grabbed my backpack.

      We continued to walk through the the forest and not before long it was early afternoon. Not tired right? Elise asked. No, I'm fine Lise. I respond. (Lise was my nickname for Elise, btw)

       Suddenly, Capricorn came to a stop. I also stopped, surprised but I started scanning the surrounding area. Then I sniffed the air, wolves, I thought. Not a good thing, said Elise.

      "A pack." Capricorn said, I nodded in agreement. "Let's change form and run." I suggest quietly.

       We both changes out of our human forms into wolves. We started to run off   in the direction we were headed, when we heard a defiant howl.

        The pack of half-moons decided to chase after us. From the sounds of their paws, there was maybe 4 of them. You can't out run them. Elise told me. I know and I have an idea. I replied.

"Can you climb?" I asked Capricorn, she nodded. "Ok if you trust me, follow my lead." I said as I broke out in a full sprint with Capricorn following me.

I ran towards a tall, sturdy tree and when I was right at the base, I stopped and transformed back into my human form.

Then I jumped and climbed quickly up the tree. I looked back and was surprised to see that Capricorn was climbing as fast as I was. I continued to climb until I was about 35 feet off the ground and found a wide branch to stop. I sat on the branch and Capricorn rested on one across from me.

       We watched as the pack of four wolves, stopped at the base of the tree and then turned into their human forms. Three guys and a chick. said Elise in my head.

She was right, there was a guy with slightly long golden and orangey hair and golden eyes, a second guy with platinum blonde hair and purple eyes, a third guy with brown hair and green eyes, and a girl with long black hair and blue eyes.

"Pisces, go get the alpha." golden haired guy instructed the brunette, who was now known to me as Pisces.

"I'll be right back then Gemini." Pisces said to the golden haired guy, Gemini.

"So you two can't even notice that this is the Imperial Moon pack territory? Idiots." snorted Gemini to Capricorn and I.

"Says the one who can't climb 35 feet up a tree!" I retorted. "Why you annoying little!" snarled Gemini. Well he's easy to rile up... noticed Elise. That's for sure, but we still need to get to the next town, . I thought.

I rolled my eyes and looked at Capricorn, "I'm going to rest for a bit, I didn't get much sleep last night." I said. She nodded before looking back down at the ground at Gemini and the girl, Scorpio.

Aries's POV:

I looked up at sky pondering about the weird smell I had smelled a minute ago. Just the Pisces ran out of the trees, startling Sagi (Sagittarius), Aquarius, and I.

"Hey Aries. We found two lone wolves in our territory. Apparently they jump and climb as fast as they can run. They are kind of waiting in a tree..." Pisces said. "A tree?" Sagi said, "how interesting."

        We followed Pisces back to the tree he had mentioned and saw that there really was two lone wolves in a tree. A girl with light brown hair and piercing blue eyes and a girl with dark brown hair who was asleep.

        You are not gonna climb that are you? my wolf, Asher asked. Nope, but I have an idea that may work... I said in response.

       I took a few steps back and ran forward at super high speed and then jumped, landing myself about 20 feet in the air. Capricorn yelped in alarm and woke the dark brown haired girl up. She looked down at me and then hopped up from her sleeping position.

"Well impressive job getting up here, but catch me if you can!" the girl said. She started to climb higher into the tree and then jumped jumped into the next tree, 10 feet away.

        Distract her, I said to Sagi mentally through the mental pack bond. Yes sir. she responded.

        I grabbed Capricorn's arm and yanked her down with me when I jumped down from the tree.

         "Hey what's you name?" Sagi asked as I climbed around the back of the tree the girl was in. "Libra..." she answered as I climbed right behind her.

I grabbed her hand and she turned around as I let go of the tree and fell toward the ground pulling Libra with me.

       Thud. We landed in the forest floor and Libra glared at me.

"Congrats on catching me, but next time you plan to do something like that try not to kill me would you?" she said coolly.

"And now Libra and I kind of have to go, so bye!" stated Capricorn and the two girls turned to leave.

"Hold on a minute. You two come waltzing in to our territory and think you can waltz right out?" asked Gemini in disbelief.

           "Well technically, we didn't waltz in. If we did you would have found us sooner... but we really need to go to the next town, Moon town." said Libra.

"Sorry, but you can't go until you are questioned." I stated and with that my pack knocked out Libra and Capricorn.

You really should have asked why they needed to go to the next town, said Asher. I know but we can do that when we interrogate them, I said.

I signaled for my group to carry the two girls back to our base. Then I signed, I really hope that Libra won't hate me... I thought. Then I ran to catch up with the others.

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