Chapter III

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The weekend was finally over and it was time for me to get ready for my regular weekday job. After a busy drunken weekend at the club all I wanted to do was sleep and get some rest for a few days. Luckily I had vacation time coming up in a few months so I was excited for that. I crawled in the bed next to Ivy made sure my alarm was on and tried to sleep. Ivy rolled over and wrap her arms around me just the way I liked. With one arm around my neck and the other around my stomach she kissed the back of my neck and whispered "I love you" into my ear. I smiled thinking of the wonderful weekend we'd had and said "I love you more". We'd had such a good time this weekend it started to feel like when we first met and I loved it. When I woke up Saturday morning much earlier than I intended I noticed Ivy wasn't in the bed I figured she'd gone out or something so I went on with my morning routine. I put on one of Ivy's t-shirts and went to the bathroom and that's when I noticed something was different. There was hot water in the tub with rose petals and little heart and flower shaped candles floating around on the water amid the bubbles. I grinned from ear to ear I was used to Ivy being a romantic but I was not expecting this. Touching the water I saw that it was still piping hot, now how did she manage that when she had no clue when I would wake up. I turned and looked at my face in the mirror to notice that as I thought I had a bruise but it wasn't swollen anymore so that was a plus. I walked down the steps to the sound of music playing I think it was Marvin Gaye but I'm not sure because the smell of food was distracting me. I walked in the kitchen and almost fainted. Dancing around and singing was my gorgeous girlfriend, in just a sports bra and boxers no less. I stood there for a moment just watching her move around completely unaware to me staring at her. As she wiggled and rolled her hips around I could do nothing but appreciate and admire. Her body and the beautiful soft smooth skin that covered her tall lean but still athletic and girly all at the same time. As her hips rolled I couldn't help but stare at her ass and how every sway made me want to grab, smack, and kiss it. She went to spin and saw me staring at her leaning on the wall with a huge smile on my face. "Damn baby you scared me!" she said as she turned the music down and walked over to me. Kissing me deeply and lovingly I couldn't help but wrap my arms around her neck and press my body to hers. I felt her arms come around my stomach to my back and finally resting on my ass. With a grab and playful smack she released me and stepped back looking at me as she did. "So did you sleep well?" she asked as she went back to cooking. She was making my favorite too french toast, scrambled eggs with bacon and cheese in them, sausage, and a cold glass of pineapple juice on the side. "I don't remember sleeping very much. And I completely blame you miss!" I giggled from the entrance way. "Blame me then I'll take that because I completely enjoyed keeping you up all night and I cant wait to do it again" She said with a wink as she put the food on plates. "Wow Vee everything looks wonderful can I have a fork please?" I asked as I sat down at the breakfast bar and reached my hand out. I was unaware until I smelled the food that I was starving! I guess all the activities last night burned my meal off. Just as I was starting to reach for a plate Ivy smacked my hand away from the food. "Ouch! hey what's the big idea buddy?" I said with my best baby voice and my lip poked out. She just moved the plate away from me and put in on the tray and started walking upstairs. Calling over her shoulder she said "well since you ruined my surprise I guess I'll just have to make you wait until I can fully act out my full plan so get your ass up here and get in bed!" Happily I ran up the steps before her and dove into the bed just as she got to the door of our bedroom. Laughing she sat the tray down on the dresser. Still pouting I looked at her expecting my food to be served to me in bed. "First its time for a bath wouldn't you agree dirty girl?" She walked over to the bathroom door and held it open for me. I walked into the bathroom and Ivy came in behind me before I could turn around she lifted my shirt well her shirt over my head and threw it on the floor. "Now wait a minute who said I was dirty? Huh? If I remember correctly you were getting just as dirty as me last night" I said as I turned to face her hands on my hips with as must sass as I could muster. "You know what you're absolutely right. But you have to admit getting dirty is half the fun" She replied with a wink as she took off her bra and boxers. Stepping into the tub she reached out a hand for me. Putting my hand into hers I stepped in loving how the water was no long boiling hot but a comfortable hot. How did she do that I wondered as I found myself back in her embrace. Slowly she turned me around so my back was to her front rubbing my shoulders, across my stomach, and back up to my breast. Damn I loved the way her hands felt on me as well as how they made me feel. All sexy safe and empowered all at the same time it was wonderful. She sat down pulling me down between her legs the whole time never letting go of my hand. Once in the water I could feel both of our bodies relaxing and our breathing matching each others pace. I laid back on her letting my head fall on her shoulder and closing my eyes I remembered why I fell in love with her in the first place. This sweet romantic woman behind me was the reason I uprooted my life and worked two jobs. She was the woman I wanted for all time I just had to figure out how to keep this woman around rather than her evil twin. We bathed and talked made jokes and just enjoyed each other for the moment. It had been awhile since we'd taken a bath together so this was an awesome surprise. Once clean and dry she lotioned my body and rubbed me down after all that we climbed in the bed and ate breakfast. "Bae this was a great way to wake up thank you so much" I gushed and kissed her with syrup still dripping from my mouth. "Now that was a sweet kiss" she giggled pulling away from me "But it was my pleasure darling you deserved it you work all day damn near everyday and you put up with me so I think you deserve a little pampering every now and again" she continued while stuffing the last bit of her eggs in her mouth. I smiled but the thoughts of last nights argument and smack crept back into my mind. Absentmindedly I rubbed at my cheek. No I didn't forget last night and no this doesn't make up for it but every relationship has its problems and I was willing to work through ours and clearly so was she. Ivy caught me staring off into space and rubbing my cheek so she grabbed my hand and brought it to her lips. Kissing every finger and then my cheek she apologized for the hundredth time and promised it'd never happen again. Which of course was a lie shes said that every time after she had an episode like last night so I knew better than to hold my breath. All I could do was try harder not to piss her off and hope we could fix whatever was wrong. We finished our food in silence both of us lost in our own thoughts. I gathered up the dishes and put them on the tray but before I could take them down stairs Ivy jumped up and said she would do it. But before she walked down the steps she shouted that I needed to pick out something to wear for today because we were going out. Going out? Now she knew I had to be at work tonight so we couldn't do anything that would take too long. I wonder where we're going? "How should I dress? Like where are we going?" I shouted down the steps to her. "Well its hot out so dress cool but wear whatever your little heart desires" I heard her call back up to me. "But should I wear tennis or sandals ooh maybe heels? Like are we gonna be doing a lot of walking?" I questioned her as I went to the top of the stairs. "Jeezzz woman just put on anything we wont be out long you have to work tonight so stop quizzing me and just get dressed already damn" I stuck my tongue out at her laughed and ran back into our room before the towel she ended up throwing at me could reach me. I walked in the bathroom and went into my make-up bag to cover up the blue-ish green bruise the was about the size of a golf ball on my cheek. I normally never wear make-up unless its date night or I'm working at the club and even that's only on weekends. After my face was done you could hardly see the bruise but still I cursed my light complexion for bruising so easily. I curled my hair and spiked it just the way I liked so it gave me a funky kind of edgy look. Now it was time to put on clothes I walked to my half of the closet and searched for about 10 minutes. Nothing jumped out at me so I looked again. I usually prefer to pull out my clothes underwear and all before I shower but today was an exception. I couldn't find anything I wanted to wear so I decided to pick out my bra and panties then hopefully find something to wear. I pulled out my powder blue bra and panty set that Ivy had brought me for my birthday last year. I always loved this set and she knew just how much I loved blue plus it was so comfortable. Just as I finished putting on my the set Ivy came up the stairs fully dressed in a light blue V-neck shirt, black shorts that sat right on her waist but still fir her loosely and the black and blue jordans I had brought her for Christmas. She had pulled her dreads into a ponytail that wasn't too high or too low it sat right in the middle and still her hair fell a little past her shoulder blades. I was so proud of how long her hair had gotten since I had started taking care of it. I washed, styled and dyed her hair for her at least once a month even though I wanted to do it more then that I just never had the time. But the blue and black hat she wore today covered up the fact that was way pass time for her to get her hair done. I stood back and looked at her. Damn my baby looked good! She cleaned up so nice sometimes I forgot that she could actually look better than she already did. "Damn girl! I have washed all the dishes, got dressed, took out the trashed and called my momma and you still aren't dressed what the hell were you doing up here?" She said as she looked at me in disbelief. I blushed and decided to change the subject "Aww how is Ms. Barbara?" Clearly seeing through my bullshit she made a face. "K I know damn well you know how she is you two talk every damn Wednesday and have lunch at least once a month so don't gimme that shit just get dressed c'mon the days passing us by" Gosh someone was excited to go out I wonder what we were going to do? I wanted to be cool but not cold so I decided to wear my black tank top with my long black and white striped skirt and my black rhinestone sandals. I put on the necklace that Ivy gave me which I wore everyday and very rarely took off unless it was to shower or something. It was a silver heart with a crown around it and the bottom half of the heart turned into a key. Ivy had brought me this for our one year anniversary and on the back side she had it engraved with the words "Queen of my heart". I was the first time I had ever gotten any jewelry from a girlfriend so I made sure to take care of it and never let it leave my sight. Finally I was done I walked down the steps and saw Ivy holding a bouquet of my favorite flowers, lilies with birds of paradise and a few ivy leaves around them. She always did that when she brought me flowers she always got them to add a few ivy leaves to the bouquet just so I'd think of her along with the flowers like I could do anything else but it was kind of like her signature. I walked straight into her arms and kissed her not pecked kissed her as if the kiss would somehow express all the love I could never really explain. After what felt like all day was finally separated and she handed me the flowers. I smiled and ran to go put them in a vase so they would stay fresh and not wilt in the house while we went out. "Okay is that all the surprises you have for one day cuzz I don't think I can talk anymore I might pass out for happiness?" I jokingly asked her. She just laughed and said "I guess you'll have to wait and see now shall we?" She held the front door open for me. We spent the day first at the mall where I picked out a few things for us both and since we were going on vacation soon I made sure to get clothes for that. We left the mall and went to the park. Ivy got me my favorite flavor snowball, bubblegum and cotton candy mixed, and we walked around hand and hand just enjoying the day, making jokes, feeding the ducks, and playing around like we used to do when we first met. It was wonderful who needed expensive dates and gifts to know someone cares? I'm very easy to please just give me some of your time and a well thought out date and I'm a happy camper. Sadly as it got later I realized it was almost time for me to get ready for work and as much as I hated to end our day I had to go home and get ready. "Bae its getting late I-" Ivy interrupted me "I know its time for you to get ready for work I just wanted to hold onto you for a moment longer that's all but yea I guess it is time to go in" she sighed and we started walking back to the car. At home I walked out of the bathroom trying to put my earring on and noticed Ivy watching me. "What? Do I have something on me?" I asked as I spun around. She just laughed and came up behind me and zipped up my dress. I was wearing a corseted black dress that was actually very short and nothing like what I normally wore, but at the bar to get the good tips you had to dress kind of sexy. I put on my red platform peep-toe pumps that I knew I'd be regretting later on that night. "You look too damn good to go to work like that I might have to call out sick for you so you can just stay home with me" Ivy said as she sat on the bed and leaned back just staring at me hopefully in appreciation. I laughed and climbed on top of her and as I did so the dress rose straight over my behind and exposed my whole backside. I blushed and faked embarrassment and attempted to pull it down. But Ivy grabbed at my ass and smacked it then she put her finger in my face and said very firmly "Now don't you forget you have a woman to come home to don't be out there being a flirty and shit you wanna flirt bring ya ass home and flirt with me" Smiling I bit her finger and sucked it a little bit then said "Don't worry daddy I belong to you there is nothing out there for me I have all I need right here with you" I kissed her on the cheek and left a big red lipstick print on her cheek. "There now if you go out everyone will know you belong to me" I teased as I walked out the room. She came down the steps behind me following me to the door and even opening it for me. "What time do you get off tonight baby?" She asked me before I could get my kiss and leave. "Should be right as the bar closes so around 2" I said wrapping my arms around her neck. She kissed me long and deep grabbed my ass and told me to be safe and call when I got to work I promised I would and with that I left. I walked into the gay bar all smiles and happy faces it was a little after 8 and there was hardly anyone there normally the crowd didn't come in until around 10 so I had time to get ready. As I walked behind the bar I saw my best friend Jinger stocking the bar. I ran up behind her and jumped on her back. "What the fuck! Kai girl get the hell off of me you know we are too damn old to be playing around like this" she shouted at me while I playfully hung onto her neck mostly out of fear of falling. Jinger was a tall light skin girl with brown short naturally curly hair brown eyes she wasn't thick she was what I considered solid but soft like a teddy bear. She had been my friend for years and we even dated briefly way way back in the day but that only lasted about a week when we realized we were better off as friends. She was always happy and had a smile that was infectious no one could be around her and not smile right along with her. She was the reason I had even got this job mostly because she owned the bar and she knew I needed it. She was a good friend like that and always helped me when I needed it and I tried to be there for her as much as possible in return mostly because she honestly just deserved it. She looked at my face for all of half a minute and her smile faded "She hit you again didn't she?" Damn she always was a quick one and there is no lying to Jinger because she can always see through my lies. "Its not what you're thinking she didn't mean it I had just got in the way of her arm that's all" I tried to cover it up as best I could but she just gave me that look that she always gave me that lets me know she doesn't believe me. "Yea okay Kai whatever you say but one day you are gonna admit what it really is and I just hope for your sake its not too late. I swear if anything happens to you and I know its that's bitches fault I will end her I promise you that hell the only reason I haven't kicked that bitches ass yet is because I care about you and I don't want you to hate me but I swear Kai she has one last time and I will hurt her ass!" She half vented have scolded me. Jinger was what you would consider a stud mostly because of how she dressed and her mannerisms. And don't let her sweet face fool you the girl can do some damage and when it comes to people she cares about shes super overprotective. which is why I could always rely on her.  Jinger had seen me deal with a lot with Ivy she knew all our secrets, all our lies and every time she'd hit me. So it was no point in lying to her so I decided to change the subject "Oh my gosh girl my damn feet hurt already did I leave my flats in the back?" I asked knowing damn well I had left my flats in the back as I always did because I hated staying in heels all night. "Alright fine brush me off just know that I love you best friend and I don't want anything bad to happen to you" She looked in my eyes as she spoke and I hated for her to worry but I know I could handle Ivy I had been all this time with no help so I could keep it up. I looked at my friend and saw the hurt on her face so I tried to lighten her mood by making her laugh. "OOOooowwww bestii you look good tonight dayum look at you!!" I laughed while poking at her she had on a pale blue button down shirt with a black vest over it that was left open and regular blue jeans and some tennis shoes I couldn't make out. She had the sleeves of her shirt rolled up and it gave her the right edge of business and party. I looked good on her. Laughing at me for fake fanning myself she replied "Thanks bestii you look good today too and yes you know your flats are in the back sexy shoes though" As she finished stocking the bar I walked in the back and put on my flat but brought my heels up front with me so I could put them on when I needed to. The night went by kind of slow for a Saturday night but it was still early. Around 12 o'clock I swarm of younger girls came into the bar and basically took over. I was getting them drinks every five minutes it seemed and I was getting just a little bit tired of the "I'm 21 everyone look at me" act they were all putting on. Suddenly I heard a voice call me from the other end of the bar without even looking I walked over to the sound of my name. When I got there and looked up I saw it was Ivy and she wasn't alone she had her best friend Michelle with her. I wasn't the biggest fan of Michelle but only because her reputation as a big hoe made me not trust her around Ivy. I felt like she would try and tempt her to cheat on me but I trusted Ivy I prayed that she wouldn't hurt me like that. I leaned over the side of the bar and kissed Ivy I was so happy to see her I know I had just left her not to long ago but I missed her. "If that's how you greet all your customers I need to come in here more often and keep an eye on you" Ivy said as she looked around the bar as if to see other people lined up to kiss me. "Girl stop those kisses are only reserved for my special customer" I said with a wink. "So damn what the fuck am I chopped liver?" Michelle joked "My bad Chelle you know how it is when that one girl you want walks in?" I joked right back with her. "Ahh tunnel vision okay I get it well get a sista get something to drink before you zone back out?" I laughed and brought them both a beer knowing that was what they always got and drank really. Ivy didn't realy drink like that and if she did it was vodka or beer that was pretty much it. Someone called me from the other end of the bar so I kissed my girlfriend one last time and told her I'd catch up with them later. Just my luck the ones who called me down were some of our regulars and it was one of the guys birthday so they asked me to do a birthday shot with them. I poured 8 shots of fireball whiskey said happy birthday and took my shot down with the rest of them. They asked for one more so I set them up one more time and we took another shot and went to serve another customer. My eyes were glued to Ivy and Michelle I watched them make their way to the dance floor and dance around among themselves and just have fun. As she was dancing I noticed Ivy had something on her cheek, when I looked closer I saw it was my lipstick kiss from earlier. She never wiped it off! What a woman! I don't know many girls that go out with their girlfriends lipstick print on their cheek all night. Before I could go comment or call her over I saw one of the barely legal girls walk over to Ivy and Michelle. I started to get angry when I saw the little tramp touch her stomach. Did she not know that was MY spot to touch. Thankfully I saw Ivy grab the girls hand a take it off her stomach and kindly directed her to Michelle. Chelle wasn't a bad looking girl either she was a beautiful deep dark brown color and had red dreadlocks that fell to the middle of her back she was tall like Ivy but not as built but she did have the prettiest teeth I'd ever seen. She was covered in tattoos and had quite a few piercings too. She had her tongue, bottom of her lip, and eyebrow pierced. If is wasn't for her reputation as a hoe I would have hooked her up with one of my friends. The little girl just did not seem to want to leave Ivy alone though maybe it was because she was drunk but it was starting to get on my damn nerves. For the second time I saw Ivy push the girl off of her and this time she tried to walk away and the girl cornered her in the actual corner. Okay that was the last straw I asked Jinger to watch the bar for a second while I went and handled my business and before she could say no I was gone. As I walked up behind the girl I could hear her talking to Ivy. "I know you said you have a girlfriend but I don't see her so what could it hurt?" She damn near begged. "Sweetheart my wife would kill you and then kill me for even being this close to you. Why don't you just go back to your friends or find another girl to dance with I told you my homegirl is single why don't you talk to her?" Ivy said as she tried to break free of the girls grip. This little girl had no type of class she had on shorts that were so short and tight it looked like she'd need to be cut out of them later. Her hair was a sweaty mess of tracks and what looked like dry grass plus the poor thing stunk to high heaven. It was like a bad mix of track glue, vomit, sweat, and liquor not that any of that would make a good mix. "I don't want your homegirl I want you! And like I said I don't see your wife so why-" I cut her off right there "Well turn around!" "I'm sorry do I know you? Oh wait your the bartender!! Great drinks but I don't want one right now maybe you can give me and my new friend here some privacy though?" I can't believe she had the fucking nerve to talk to me as if I was her junior how dare she and the whole time she was holding onto my girlfriends pants? Oh no this was going to end right now! "You said you didn't see her wife well now you do! So I suggest you get your dirty little hands off my woman now!" I spat at the little harpy. She turned around and rolled her eyes "Yea right like I'm supposed to believe she's really your wife ya'll probably just friends or someone you wish you could get please step off bitch you look desperate" That was the last straw and she called me a bitch! Just as I was about to punch her in her chapped ass mouth Ivy spoke up. "Okay see I was trying to be nice but insulting my woman while I'm standing right here is a no go! So you can get your dirty hands off of me now. And you should apologize to my wife" As she spoke she removed the stunned girls hand from her clothes and turned her around to face me. I smiled and puffed up like a proud mother hen. The girl just looked from Ivy to me back to Ivy and once more back to me. "Yea okay ya'll bitches got this shit planed for whenever ya'll don't wanna talk to someone huh? Pathetic ass old bitch I have no need to apologize to her" The girl then turned to walk away and I'd had enough. Old? I'm 26 How dare this like wet behind the ears little bitch call me old! I grabbed her by her bad ass weave and slung her ass to the ground. Before she had a chance to react I pinned her arms down with my leg and punched her in the face still holding on to her weave. I only hit the girl about three times before Ivy grabbed me and picked me up off of the girl whose lip was now bleeding. But I wasn't done before I was too far away I took my foot and kicked her hard one good time in the stomach the my heels on! Jinger jumped over the bar and ran to my side just as Ivy and Michelle were holding me back. The rest of the girls that the loud mouth came with had come running over too. I was ready if I had to fight them all I was ready. Jinger stopped everything and helped the girl up and sat her in a chair and checked to make sure she was okay. One on the girls friends pushed to the front of the crowd to check on her friend. "OHMY GOD!! Tarsha what happened girl?" She screamed when she saw her friends face. The girl could hardly talk she was so out of it so I decided to speak for her. "She ran her fucking mouth to the wrong person and she damn near assaulted my damn wife IN MY FUCKIN FACE!!!" I yelled getting angry all over again. The girls friend walked over to me and I got myself ready for a fight because I knew how homegirls could get about their friend. But instead of swinging on me the girl did something I did not expect. She apologized. "I am soooo sorry miss. Unfortunately that's Tarsha's problem she gets drunk and doesn't know when to stop. I'm sorry I should've been paying better attention to her." After that her and her group picked their friend up and walked out, but before they were too far I yelled at them. "Make sure you get some ice for her face so it doesn't swell and if ya'll wanna come back your welcome but leave that bitch home!" Ivy and Michelle laughed and then everyone else pretty much joined in all except for Jinger. "Dammit Kai you can't just beat up on chicks for talking to your girlfriend!" she yelled at me. And I had to remember she wasn't just my friend this was her place of business, her dream, her baby and if I screwed it up for her I'd never forgive myself. "I'm sorry bestii I didn't mean for all that to happen she just pushed all the right buttons and well I snapped I'm sorry" I said as I bowed my head looking like a defeated child hoping it would help her to forgive me faster. "What did she say to you that got you so mad anyway?" She asked me I was kind of embarrassed to tell her but I figured I'd done enough damage so I might as well tell her. "She called me old" As I said this I saw a smile creep on Jingers face. "Okay its not that funny I'm only 26 I am not old okay?" But this just made her laugh harder at me. "Fuck you Jinge! like seriously fuck you!" She finally stopped laughing enough to talk to me "Okay bestii you're not old but still did you have to beat on the baby?" she asked. I guess I didn't but hey she pushed me first with Ivy then she called me old she had it coming if you ask me. Jinger looked at Ivy and just said "And let me guess you couldn't stop this before anything happened huh?" It was public knowledge that these two didn't like each other but they were at least cordial around me. Ivy looked Jinger hard in the eyes for a moment then said "I did try and stop it but she disrespected our relationship and my woman all in the same breath so yea I tried to stop it but the lil bitch just kept going and well my baby handled herself pretty well if I do say so myself" Jinger looked at Ivy with distain and muttered to herself "Too bad she cant handle herself when it counts" I heard her and I knew Ivy heard her but to stop the fight I just knew was coming I pulled Ivy away from Jinger just as she was walking back towards the bar. "I swear baby that bitchass friend of yours needs to mind her own damn business! And what the fuck do you be tellin her anyway huh?" Ivy yelled at me I saw the familiar look creep into her eye the same look she got right before she acted out. Thinking quickly I said "I don't tell her anything she saw it with her own two eyes" I said motioning to my bruised cheek which was still pretty visible. With that Ivy's face relaxed and she actually looked sad. "Damn baby I'm sorry I forgot about that fuck I'm so sorry I didn't mean to do that to you I'm soo sorry baby you know I love you right?" I just kissed her after awhile her apologies start to get annoying mostly because I know she doesn't mean them. I finished up my shift cleaned up the bar and we all walked out promptly at 2:15. I hugged Jinger goodbye and told her I'd see her tomorrow and Ivy said goodbye to Michelle and hopped in the car with me seeing as how Michelle drove her own car. The ride home was a quick on my feet and my hand hurt like hell and I was ready for cuddle time and sleep with my love. When we got home Ivy helped me get undressed and by then I didn't feel like putting on clothes to sleep in so I just crawled into the bed naked and to my delight Ivy did the same. I laid on her chest while she gently ran her fingers up and down my back. Pretty soon I was sleep but I still could hear Ivy she was singing to me I couldn't place the song so I just listened and drifted in her arms. The rest of the weekend compared to the events that took place Saturday was pretty slow and mellow. I thought back to our fun relaxing eventful weekend for the last time before I finally drifted off to sleep yet again in my loves arms ready to start another week hopefully as blissful as this weekend had been but only time could tell.   

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