6| Sunrise

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I FOUND A little comfort through singing a song. Well, not really singing, but humming. Just some tune I made up in my head to distract myself from the fact that I was going to die.

I stared at my wrist. The blood had dried a dark red color - almost black - and was no longer escaping the wound.

I wondered how long it would be until I died. It was beginning to turn dark. Everything was bleak. It was only last night that I was at the party. I wished I never went.

I had no more tears. I just gave up. I didn't even want to think of her name. She was just a monster. That's all I would call her in my mind from now on. The monster.

I almost did not feel the rope fall off my body and onto my lap. I held it up with trembling hands, staring at it in disbelief. Was I just losing my mind and imagining this?

I moved my body forward every so slightly to feel if it was still around me. It definitely was not.

I fell onto my side as I tried to get up, millions of thoughts rushing through my head. Did she do this? Where is she right now? Is she watching me? Where do I go? Should I go?

I might as well try.

It was difficult to run after having been stuck in the same position for an twelve hours. Plus, I still had a hangover which was not helpful in this situation.

I ran straight ahead, remembering that was the way that she had gone when she left me again. That meant there had to be something that way.

I let out an ear-piercing scream when I was suddenly grabbed from behind, a cold arm across my chest and an equally cold chin against my shoulder.

I tried to fight her grip but she was too strong. Her voice sent chills down my spine. "Remember, I am watching you. So if you even try telling anyone about this, about me, then I will kill you and everyone you love."

Wiley's name came to my mind. "Yes, including him." She let go of me with such force that I was flung forward, cheek against the ground.

I stayed that way, curled up and cold. The tears that I had thought ran out were back again and they dampened the soil.

I ARRIVED HOME hours later, having walked all the way across town as I had no money to take public transport, and I doubted that anyone would give me a ride without wanting something in return.

I walked up the driveway just as the sun rose, indicating that it was morning time. I noticed both my mom and Will's car parked in the front.

I let out a groan that only I would be able to hear as I approached the front door. Without knocking, I just walked straight in and prayed that no one would see me.

Unfortunately, they did. My mom had been sitting in the kitchen until she heard the door shut and she came rushing over, showing both relief and anger.

"I was just about to call the police, where the hell have you been?!" I tried to walk past her but she intentionally stepped in front of me.

I looked at her. "I was at a party." I replied.

"Oh, for nearly two days?" She sniffed, and her face showed disgust. "You smell like garbage."

"It was a wild night." I muttered, trying to walk the other way. She grabbed me by my arm and pulled me back. I saw her eyes widen and I looked down to see what she was staring at.

I forgot about my wrist.

"I fell over, okay?" I hastily retracted my hand way and ran up the stairs, and this time she did not stop me.

I locked myself in the bathroom and took a moment to calm down. I slowed down my breathing and waved my hands in front of me, reminding myself that I was home and I was alive.

I took off my extremely dirty clothes and scrubbed my equally dirty skin, producing a lather that I then rinsed off.

I was too scared to close my eyes, and kept my back facing the wall the entire time.

I crouched down on the shower floor and hugged my legs, letting the water pour over me until it turned cold. Downstairs, I could hear my mom yelling about me, and by the sound of it Will was trying to reason with her. Probably trying to make me think that he is a good guy. I wasn't falling for it.

When I opened my bedroom door I felt my heart sink. It was pitch black and I was too hesitant to switch on the light in fear of what I would see. I stared into the darkness for a moment, imagining what could be looking back. I never believed in those type of things, but now I could rethink everything that I thought was impossible.

I heard footsteps coming up the stairs, and I would rather face the darkness than my mom right now. I turned on the light and shut the door behind me, just before my mom opened it again.

"Do you mind?!" I exclaimed, holding the towel to my naked body.

"We really need to talk." She said, just as Will appeared behind her.

"Look away, pervert." I spat. Will walked away as quickly as he came. "And I don't want to talk. I want to sleep."

"You're not sleeping until you explain to me what happened."

I pulled open the drawer to my dresser and searched for some comfy clothes, ignoring her.

"Arlo, please." You could hear the desperation in her voice, and I sighed.

Without facing her, I said, "I stayed at a friends house. That's all."

"Friend? You don't have any friends?"

I pulled out a tank top and sweatpants. "Well, I do now." I turned to face her. "Now can I please go to sleep?"

"Just promise me you won't do anything like that ever again. You don't understand how worried I was."

I shut my eyes and exhaled. "I promise." I said weakly. I was tired of fighting.

My mom hesitated, then finally left my room, closing the door behind her. I turned around and went to let go of the towel around my body when I realized my curtains were open.

In one swift movement I closed them by pulling them together, slowly relaxing my thudding heart.

After I got changed, I slid into bed and pulled the sheets right up to rest under my chin. I was sleeping with the light on tonight.

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