30| Breathe

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UPON FIRST BREATH, my upper body shot up. There was pain in my chest again, and I clutched at it, continuing to gasp for air. Ruby moved her hands away from my chest, breathing heavily.

I coughed, struggling to swallow due to my dry throat. My eyes wandered around. I was surrounded by trees. The woods, again.

I fell backwards, weak. My chest continued to rise and fall rapidly, and I could not control my whimpering.

"I-" she caught her breath. "I had to get you away from there."

"Am I dead?" I asked, my voice hoarse.

"You're okay now. You're okay." Her hand landed on my cheek and she leaned over me. Her eyes were glowing red.

I made a sound in pain, wincing. "Is he?" I asked through shortness of breath.

"I think it's better if he is alive and behind bars. Death is too easy on him."

Her hand reached out towards me and my entire body tensed up. "Don't touch me!" I screamed at her. "You let me die. You let him hurt me and you didn't stop it until-" I paused, wincing. The memory was too painful.

Ruby stared down at me, her eyes full of tears. I didn't think that she could ever cry.

"I thought you weren't coming," I sobbed, breaking down. I suddenly let out a scream in pain, cutting my tears short.

"Sh, sh," she placed her hands under my arms and pulled me up so that my back was against her chest. I couldn't feel her heart beating, but it didn't matter. "I promise you, I won't ever leave again. I can't. I love you too much." She rested her cheek against my head, rocking me side by side.

I sobbed again. "But you said-"

"You know I didn't mean it. Deep down you know." She said firmly.

I sniffles as I processed her words. Maybe that was why I hadn't felt anything - going about my day as if I did not lose someone special in my life. I had been in denial the entire time.

"I just wanted you to do better." She whispered, caressing my cheek with the back of her hand. I had no energy to react, nor take it in.

I closed my eyes, exhausted. "I'm going to sleep for a little," I said, feeling lightheaded and ill.

Ruby moved from underneath me, forcing me to sit up. "No, you're not." She tapped my cheeks in an attempt to wake me up. "You're going to go home, and tell them that you weren't there. That you were with me the whole time."

I moaned in pain when Ruby stood up from behind me, forcing me to rise to my feet as well. I stumbled forward but she quickly caught me, turning me around to face her with her arm still around my waist.

I leaned my face into her chest, balling the fabric of her graphic t-shirt in my hands. Moments later, she pushed me away and forced me to look up at her by my chin.

"Hey, you need to go home now, okay?"

I stared at her with heavy eyelids. I just died. The last thing she could do was allow me to regain energy, or at least start to breathe normally again.

I forgot she could read my mind. A small smile appeared on her face.

I almost didn't feel her lips against mine. So delicate, yet so perfect. She pulled away before I even had a chance to take it in.

"I love you," she said, "and I have never, ever loved anyone like I love you." I felt heat rise to my cheeks. "What I said before, about you not being special, it was such a lie. You are special, to me. If you weren't, I wouldn't have bothered with you in the first place."

Her thumb grazed my cheek as I stared up at her lovingly. "I've waited my entire existence for someone like you."

Her words gave me strength. I crashed my lips into hers, jumping up and wrapping my legs around her waist. She held onto me tightly as she deepened the kiss, our lips moving in sync, the coolness from her mouth mixing with my warm one, creating an incredible feeling.

I pulled away first to catch my breath. I winced in pain. My chest was killing me. Ruby frowned, still holding me up.

Once I recovered, I looked at her. I wanted to kiss her again, but we had no time.

"Take me home," I said, and Ruby nodded.

THERE WERE SEVERAL police vehicles gathered around the front of my house. Policemen were scattered everywhere, some writing things down, some taking photos of the area, and one was holding yellow tape as he crossed the driveway.

I let go of Ruby's hand and rushed towards the driveway, noticing my mom's car parked on the street. Before I could take any step further, a arm shot across my chest.

"Miss, you cannot go in there." The policeman said sternly.

"Is my mom okay? My brother?" I asked frantically.

The cop stared at me for a few moments. "Are you Arlo Russell?" He asked. I nodded. "Come with me."

I glanced at Ruby, who stood back. She nodded at me to follow him. I gestured for her to come along. I needed her by my side, always.

The cop took us around the back of the house, into the backyard, where my mom and Wiley both stood, looking highly worried as they spoke to a female officer.

"Mom!" I said to catch their attention. Both their heads shot in my direction and the colour seemed to appear on my mom's face straight away. Her face contorted and she let out a scream of relief, running towards me.

The impact of the hug caused me severe pain, and I couldn't hide the sharp breath and grimace. Ruby sent me a look, asking if I was okay. I gave her a thumbs up from behind my mom's back.

"Where were you? God, we assumed the worst,"

"I was just with Ruby," I said, assuring her. "I'm sorry."

Wiley crashed into me, his skinny arms around my waist. I rubbed his back. He was crying, wetting the hem of my maroon sweater.

"I can't believe he would do something like this. I knew he was crazy, but not this crazy." My mom muttered. If only she knew what he really did. The fact that he strangled me to death. I died. If it weren't for Ruby, I would be dead forever at this moment in time.

Of course, that was something I would have to keep between the two of us only.

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