Little Did They Know

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Little did they know , I still was living ...well kinda just there ,about them...
Maybe not physically but my spirit still lingered about. Who'd think that a once beautiful , passionate girl would one day disappear from all eyes. I've tried speaking to some town folk , but they don't seem to see me...would they even care if they did?

I wonder about , in my once lively home. Waiting for someone , anyone ,to walk through those doors. Hoping that my family would soon come back to me.

But then Again ,many years have  passed and not another soul has to pass through those heavily dark wooden doors. My house eventually became the town's campfire stories. They would claim that monsters lurk in this house. Maybe , just maybe , if they saw me ,they would make me the  monster...

It's been 37 years now since my death... Making it 2018 , it's August the 3rd... I think anyways . Its almost close to my birthday or what would've been my birthday if I were still alive

I haven't left this house since , I now spend my endless days roaming around my once lively home. Its now about Christmas time...and not a single Christmas decoration in sight in the home. Reminding me of my family that I left behind.You never know what you had , until it's no longer there.

That's something I now deeply regret...

Two days ago the sign was taken down and a new one was placed in its absence.

That new sign, brought nothing but dread . Making it well known that this wasn't my home anymore.

Maybe it's time to leave my once full home.

Though that thought comes often , I'd miss this place way to much and I doubt I can even leave , since im a ghost and all. As it is the only reminder I get of all my memories here. Like that one sunny afternoon , where my neighbor and I played in the back yard pretending to be a married couple. You guys are probably guessing and assuming I had a pretty great life.
       And I did for the most part. Until my  neighbor , a boy named Nathan raped me at age 16 , leaving me in the woods letting his friends have a go at me .He was supposed to be showing me my " big surprise" for my 16th birthday... Well it was a huge surprise , I'll give him that . My parents of course didn't believe me , who would. That boy was perfect in their eyes.

The big number 16 , everyone says it's a big deal. That your supposed to throw a huge party and it'd be great. All smiles right , Wrong it was nothing like that at all. My parents gone on a business trip and my best friend was caught sleeping with my boyfriend that same day. So no they were wrong about it , It was the worst day period. Some would say in my whole life if they ever cared to find out. But that's long done and over with. I'm dead and they are probably on their dead bed right now , dieing of old age. The chance I never got to live .

Sucks for them , I never really wanted to live til I was old and gray anyways.
Wrinkles would suck !

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01, 2018 ⏰

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