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            NYU cafeteria
As I walk through the crowded lunch hall looking for a place to sit I find a certain blonde who I haven't seen in a while.
I move through the crowds to go sit next to her.
" So how is the Famous Maya Hart handling college?" I ask her, I've obviously startled her as she had her head in an art book I'm assuming.
" Boing, didn't see you there. I'm okay I'm kinda through with this place though. But Riley's here with me and we're roommates so can't complain. Classes aren't bad either." She tells me, I find myself getting distracted by her eyes. Have they always been this shade of blue, such an alluring colour, call me into her.
" So art your major or you've decided on something else?" I ask just wanting to be around her.
She laughs, I could listen to that laugh all the time, " I'm not set yet but I'm taking art history courses and art classes. I think I want to teach art to kids though. I want to show them what I found in art and what it can become with just a little of imagination. I'm actually learning a lot by doing my homework. There's a sentence I'd never thought I'd say " I'm doing homework"!" I laugh at this.
There's something in air and I can't help but seeing my in a different light. I mean she's always been gorgeous, but having a truly meaningful talk with her just makes her seem beautiful on the inside too.
College looks good on her...
" So how are your classes going Josh?" She asks me
I get lost in her face and her smile.
" Oh it's going well, I'm graduating next semester. Not going to lie I'm gunna miss this place." She nods her head and gets back to her book.
" Oh sorry, am I interrupting?" I ask not wanting to bother her.
" Not really, just finishing off this book. But I gotta head to class soon. I'll see you around Josh." She says to me picking up her things and heads to her next class.
I walk away from the seat Maya was just at. I'm confused, she didn't even try to flirt with me. She must be growing up, why is this effecting me, why do I care so much? Why do I feel the need to get her attention?
I walk back to my dorm room shaking my head
" I'm so confused" I say aloud
" 'Bout what man?" My roommate asks me
" You remember Maya right," I say to him.
" Yea, the pretty blonde that told you her feelings that night at the party." He says to me
" Yeah, yeah her. Anyways she goes here now and I just saw her it was like she totally didn't care. But I mean why do I care that she didn't care because I don't care. It's all just so confusing." I tell him all of this
" Dude, you got it bad and are so oblivious. You like her man!" He tells me, I shake my head at him.
" Nah, I mean she's just graduated high school it's her fist year her and it's my last. It wouldn't work man." I explain to him
" I never said anything bout a relationship man, that was all you." And with that he walks out the dorm
    Do I like Maya, as in like her

Longer than my normal stuff
But not as long as last chapter.

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