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This was it , this was the end and he knew it ,beyond knowledge, he could sense it. After everything he had fought for, after all of it he was just going to die like an animal? He attempted once more to stand but he couldn't the snare holding him in place had been specifically fashioned to capture and kill a Pyrite of his nature , he closed his eyes in sign of defeat.

"Aeran? Aeran?" her light voice whispered silently into his oblivion , this had never happened before . He slowly opened his eyes and immediately he caught hers. She smiled at him that sweet smile that he was meant to know but didn't know. Tears welled up in her eyes. 'I'm so glad that you're okay.' she said, trying to keep herself from breaking down into tears, but she appeared glad and relieved that he wasn't harmed in the most brutal ways. Who was this girl and why was she glad and let alone relieved to find him unharmed despite the fact that he was caught in a trap. Why would a mere human feel sympathy for a creature like him,but there wasn't anything human about this girl. particularly the fact that her eyes were of different colors. One was grayish white in color and the other was ruby red.  

"Don't worry, I'm going to get you out of this." she said wiping her tears away with the back of her hand and flashing her teeth . Those teeth Aeran thought in his disposition , why were they so familiar ? They almost resembled those of a man that meant so much to him , he looked more intently at her face and then it hit him . Not only were her teeth familiar but her whole being was familiar , she wasn't just a human or Pyrite she was.... a little bit of both.

The ropes holding him captive suddenly burnt through his skin, no they roasted him. It wasn't pain that he felt any more it was all too agonizing for him to handle tears flowed across his cheeks as he let out another groan.

"AERAN!!!" the distant voice shouted. 

His eyes sprung open. He quickly sat up straight, panting and sweating. He wiped the sweat off his forehead as his breathing slowly returned to  normal. 'Shit.' He cursed under his breath. The young Pyrite looked outside and saw that it was already dawn. 

Every night had been the same for the past three months and he couldn't understand it. He had the same dream every night   but tonight was different he had never seen her face, it was always her voice and then he would wake up on his bed drenched in sweat.He wiped the sweat from his forehead and slipped on some slippers, before heading out of his room.


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