Chapter 3: Harry's Jealousy

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   Quinn awoke, her eyes fluttered open, the sun peaking through the curtains. She felt something heavy on her waist, she knew it was Harry's. She sighed and laid there, enjoying the peace of Harry's hot breath on her neck, Harry's arm twitched. The Harry awoke, noticing Quinn in his bed, the both turn to face each other not knowing how close it will be. Both there noses were touching when they faced each other, Quinn was calm while in her mind she was freaking out, Harry however was not calm and his face grew redder and redder. Harry sat upright, his back facing Quinn, Harry drew the curtains everybody else was asleep.

  They both guessed it wasn't time for breakfast, so awkwardly they laid back down together, but didn't go to sleep. They face each other again to talk, Harry had something to ask Quinn. "Hey you mind helping me with Shape's homework?", he asked, Harry got Quinn's hopes up, she huffed in annoyance and got up from the bed and headed slowly towards the Great Hall. The bell rang, signaling it was time for breakfast, she saw Draco Malfoy sitting in his usual spot. She rushed towards him, and sat next to him, Draco looked at her, "Hey...are you ok...from last night?" he asked worriedly, Quinn looked at him with a hard glare but then realized it was just Draco. "I'm fine....sorry for the glare, I'm just in a pissy mood", she explained. She she then took a drink of her pumpkin juice.

   Draco nodded, "Who made you this mad?" he asked, Quinn looked at him and sighed, "Potter" she said, Draco made an 'o' and then smirked, as Harry walked in looking around for her, Draco made a quick move, her wrapped his arms around Quinn. Her being confused, asked Draco as to why she isn't eating right now. "Potter walked in, you want to get revenge on him right? Well being with me makes him angry", Draco explained, Quinn wasn't sure until she saw Harry smiling and talking to what seemed to be Ron's sister. She turned around, and smirked at Malfoy, "Let's do this". Quinn immediately started, she grabbed a red strawberry and held it up to Draco. He bit into it, and smiled, this for some reason made Quinn giggle. How? Draco...he must be making me feel joy again. She felt a certain person's stare at the two.

   Draco grabbed a strawberry as well and fed it to Quinn. Quinn licked her lips and smiled for the first time, ever. Draco was so enchanted by the beauty of when she smiles, he couldn't control what happened next. He kissed her, Quinn wasn't used to people kissing her, but for some reason she kissed Draco back. Now she heard some forks dropping, and people gasping. The two pulled back, Draco smirking and Quinn smiling. Quinn glanced at the seat Harry was sitting at, he was gone, but the girl was there, mad while staring at Quinn. Quinn took another drink of the juice, she smiled again.

  They continued to 'act' like a couple, even if Harry wasn't there. They walked around hand in hand, they went to the Quidditch field, were Harry was probably practicing. They didn't see Harry yet, so they just talked. "Hey....uh you know.....want to go with me on tomorrow's trip to Hogsmeade?" Draco asked, Quinn smiled uncontrollably, "yeah sure, why not?". Draco saw Harry come out onto the Quidditch field, Quinn didn't, but then again he kissed her.


  Harry looked up at the stadium, he knew there was no quidditch this year, but he still wanted to practice. He saw a familiar white haired girl, then a familiar platinum blonde, he gritted his teeth. Then he saw it again, Draco kissed her again! Harry was pissed, he understood it was Draco who was doing it on purpose, not Quinn. When they pulled apart Quinn was smiling, this made Harry go off the edge, how can he make her smile! I'm the one that loves her! Whoa...., Harry was surprised at his own thoughts, but he shook it off. He got onto his Firebolt and released the golden snitch. He went after it, it went high in the sky, low to the ground, through hoops, and near the stadium.

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