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Dedicated to NinjaSlayer for obvious reasons :/

The song in the side-bar thingy is Unicorn by Weebl.

Imagine having a unicorn for a pet? You could just FLY EVERYWHERE. Sure, I guess it would be kinda annoying cleaning up all the unicorn poop that'll drop all over the country and what would it eat????

Since It has rainbow poop I'm guessing that all they eat is a combination of chameleon corpses, skittles, your broken dreams and fruit juice? DELICIOUS.

Or maybe they just suck out your soul and then belong to you forever? Like, a price for owning a magical creature XD


Some scientists say that the unicorn could have a type of now-extinct rhino. 

FAT CHANCE, and I mean FAT. Have you ever seen rhinos?

Compare that huge, grey, angry lump of a creature  to the beautiful, majestic, pure white magical being that is the unicorn! =.=

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