BEAUTIFUL! plus book book.

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06:23 in the morning. I'm only writing this because this is where I put the stupid left-over thoughts of my brain.

For now, the only though on my mind is that my photo is fucking beautiful -single tear-

Oh god, the magnificence of a tyrranasaurus wearing a suit (suit-up!), a bow-tie and a monocle is just so freaking beautiful.

Or I could imagine it looking like that. The little picture at the top is too small for me to see it in its glorious magnificence just yet :'(

I guess I'll finish this off and then click on it to, hopefully, make it bigger!

Also, to anyone who is a mature teenager or young adult (mentally not necessarily physically) I reccommend the book Black Rabbit Summer. I read that book about a year ago from a friend's mom handing it to me and only just re-discovered it.

It's a little... mature in some ways.

There is a murder and a few issues such as under-age drinking and psychological trauma for one of the characters. There may be more, 'cause I haven't read it in a while and I've read a couple of hum=ndred since then... but yeah the only reason I'm mentioning it is because I just remembered its existence right now and am thinking of rereading it overly long sentence if I were reading this I probably would not be able to breathe right could pass out *GASP*.

OKAY. I'm gonna stop this senseless drivel... NOW!

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