try try again

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Have you ever heard the saying "try try again"? Well imagin a girl, kind, thoughtful, loving. Underneath all of it she's tired of it all, underneath it she's done with her life. Her boyfriend cheated on Her with the school whore. Her best friend hates her so much. It's almost like she's the bad guy. Her parents use her as a punching bag saying she was a mistake!

So she lays in the bathroom floor blood pours from the fresh cuts on her wrists. She an example of tried, tried again! And the only people that would care enough to notice she, was gone would be the people that used her! 

Sadly enough she wouldn't of done this if at lease some care enough to talk to her in the halls, or even called to see how she was doing!

But what if someone cared to call? She would of been happy, normal. She tried to engor the pain of people not caring. But it never when away, But it never stopped! She tried to hide it, she did. It didn't  work... she found comfort in something, something she wasn't proud of, something she doesn't  want to admit makes her feel better.....cutting . Every time she does it the pain is replaced with something different, a different pain. She feels like she deserves this because she isn't wanted.

So she lays there dead, numd for all the pain she felt in this world. As she lays there she is in a happier life a news life she gets s anther chance.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 19, 2018 ⏰

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