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Did she just...?

What the...?

I couldn't move. I just sat there at the kitchen table looking straight into the wall. The only thing I could hear was the annoying sound of the clock on the wall.

She had confessed her feelings once before, but that time she was high. This time she wasn't.

Did she want a go with us?

Suddenly there was a movement behind me. I quickly turned around only to find Daniel coming through the door.

"Can't sleep either?" he asked me.

"Haven't gone to bed yet" I answered. "Too much to think about"

"Same here" Daniel nodded and took Juliet's seat across from me. "So what's on your mind?" he asked me.

How do I explain this to her father?

'I've been kinda having a fling with your daughter, while our parents were dating, and now we kinda wanna know if we can be together when out parents are splitting up. And oh, she has feelings for me'

Can't really say that

"There's a girl" I begun.

"There always is" he smiled at me. "Wanna tell me about her?"

I looked at him unsurely.

"We can take your problems first, then mine. And then maybe we both can sleep" he suggested.

"Okay, fine" I agreed. 

Who knows when I will see this man again. I might as well tell him about what's going on.

"Well, as I said, there is this girl. And she is so full of life, and can always make me smile. I really like making her laugh and what I like even more is knowing that I was the one who put the smile on her face. We had this thing going on between us, an ongoing attraction, that we acted on, but we always knew it was wrong. So we  ended it, and it worked for about five monts, but then we kinda begun acting on the attraction again. And now she kinda expressed her feelings for me. And I really do feel the same way about her, but I can't tell her that.It will get too complicated"

During whe whole time I spoke, Daniel nodded and hummed. When I was finished he asked

"So, what's the problem? Why can't the two of you be together?"

Here goes nothing.

"Well, we sort of live together"

In my entire life, I have never, ever, ever, seen someone look so shocked as Daniel did when I said those words.

"You...and...and...Juliet?" He stuttered, trying to make sense of what I had said.

I nodded, slightly unsure if telling him had been such a good idea after all? 

What if he get's mad? Or yells? Or tells someone?

"I see" he said once he had collected himself. "And who know's about this? Only you and Juliet?"

"Only two other people. Abigail and Zach, my best friend from home"

I nodded slowly.

"On to your problems?" I asked.

"I can bearly remember that my problems were now, but sure" he prepared himself. "This morning I went to work, I talked to my usual co-workers, I joked around with my boss, I went home, only to find my oldest, and long lost daughter sitting there with two friends. She was the last person I had expected to see today"

"I get that" I said.

"She looks just like her mother"

"Honestly, it's scary how alike they are"

"And she is such a beautiful girl, which you probably think too, since, you know" he said refering to the fact of what I had told him. "But seeing her brings up a lot of bad memories. Memories of how things ended between Sarah and I, and how ashamed I was telling Sarah I had made another woman pregnent. I will never forget the words she screamed at me. I loved Sarah, but there was this special spark between me and Jane. A spark that me and Sarah never had. And seeing Juliet here, makes me get those ashamed feelings again, not only about leaving Sarah, but also about never contacting Juliet. Always wondering how she turned out as a human being, but never knowing"

"Why did you never reach out to Juliet?"

"I honsetly don't know. I thought about it everyday. Jane tried to get me to call, or wright, every year on her birthday, but I never did. I was scared she would hate me"

"She wouldn't. She's not a hating person" I assured him. "How does Jane take all of this?"

"She's very positive about it, since she is the one who has tried to get me to conntact Juliet for years now"

"And Polly and Laila? Has they known about Juliet?"

"No. Me and Jane decided not to tell them until the time was right. And now you came so now they know, but they seem pretty poistive to having a sister"

I nodded in agreement.

"I don't know about you, but I feel a lot better now. I'm ready to go to bed"

"Me too" I said and left my mug next to Juliet's in the sink. I made my way to the couch, so tired I fell asleep just as I laid down.

A giggling sound woke me up the next day. I slowly opened my eyes only to find Juliet, Laila, Polly and Abigail watching me with huge smiles. 

More giggles  came from Laila. 

"What?" I groaned. "Do I have something on my pretty face?"

"Actually you do" Daniel, who had just entered the livingroom, said.

"Good morning princess" Juliet giggled and so did the other girls.

I frowned as I got myself off of the couch and went in the direction of the bathroom. On my way there I met Jane, who laughed when she saw me and shouted "not nice girls" into the livingroom. The giggles became louder.

What the heck was going on?

I finally made it it the bathroom and got a quick glance of myself in the mirror before screaming outloud.

The giggles in the livingroom turned into laughter.

The reflection in the mirror showed me.

With makeup.

Lots of makeup.

I had pink cheeks, red lips, dark lashes, blue eyeshadow, highlitght or whatever it's called. A piece of my hair was pulled back by some bobby pins. And the worst thing? On my forehead, with an eyeliner pencil, someone had written PRINCESS.

Luckely, I found some of Jane's makeup remover and got it all off.

I left the bathroom and returned into the livingroom.

Abigail, Polly, Laila and Juliet stood up as I entered and had innocent smiles on their faces.

"Who's idea was this?" I asked eyeing all of them, one by one.

A few seconds later Polly, Abigail and Laila took a step back, leaving Juliet alone in front of the others.

"So not cool girls" she said and looked around herself nervously.

A smirk appeard on my face.

It's on.

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