chapter 5

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Yoongi's Pov:

  "pabo"  I said, putting back first aid, I go back to Y / N who is watching me "i said that you not going to hurt yourself and see what happend" I said with a disappointed voice, she looked at me and then down again "sorry" I suck and pass her again before I get to the stairs, then it rings on the door, I go to the door and open it, I see a girl dress in black and red "Hi, are you my Yoongi?" I look at her from head to toe, "yes why?" I ask and she laughs "have you forgotten me?" I'm starting to remember, "Mia?" I ask she laughs, she comes and hugs me, I do not huging back, I'm backing so she does not hug me "what's wrong" she asks me, she looks in my eyes "you have to go" I said with a cold voice, she goes back one step and watches me, Mia was a monster, she was the strongest of us all, she is cold and has no heart, I do not want her to see Y / N because she may hurt Y / N and I can not help, Mia does not know I'm a protector I hear someone coming so I look back and see that Y / N comes here "shit" I think and look back to Mia "what shit?" she asks, I recalled that she could read thoughts with, "I'm coming back" I said and ran in to Y / N who was on her way to the door, I stayed in front of her, "what is-" I take her he hurries me to my room, I enter the room and tells Y / N "stay here" she looks at me surprised "why" she asks "stay here" I said with a cold and serious voice, my eyes turn red , she nods slowly and I turn to the door and my eyes become common again, I run down again and see that Mia was already inside the house and walked around in the living room "Why did you run away?" She asked and looked around "I had to do something" she looked at me and smiled at me "are you alone?" she asks to look around again," yes", I'm looking away, "nobody will stop me" I'm looking at Forward and she's standing in front of me "What are you doing?" I ask her and she just smiled "Say the Truth," she and I said backs back "i'm a protector"

Y/N's Pov:

I sat in bed in Yoongi's room, "why am I here?" I ask myself, I stand up fron the bed and walk toward the door, I stay in front of the door because I hear a bang from the downstairs, I try to open the door but it was locked, I'm looking around in the room trying to find something that can open the door, I'm looking everywhere, I find a key and a necklace where it says 'Wolfpire', I remembered this necklace, that's what my mom gave me when I was younger but Yoongi took it from me when I came to him, I take my collar and take the key, I walk to the door and unlock it, I walk to the stairs, I start to go down the stairs but stop when I hear someone screaming "Why did you lied to me !!?" Then I heard a bang, I started to slow down, I hear it's from the living room, I slowly walk to the living room, and see that Yoongi is pushed against the wall and a girl has his hand around his throat "HEY!" I shouted that they should hear me, the girl looked at me and then Yoongi looked at me, I got eye contact with Yoongi and he looks like he's going to faint but he's strong so I know he will not do what I hope so, then I look at girl who smile at me, she looks at Yoongi again and then she drops Yoongi so he falls on the ground, he stands on his knees with his back to the wall, he looks at me and the mouth "go" I shake my head, he looks annoyed, that girl gets closer to me until she's standing in front of me and she smile more "so you're the girl that Yoongi should protect?" I'm shaking a little bit because I'm afraid but I do not want to leave Yoongi because he's like a family to me and the only one I have, the girl came closer to my ear and whispered "he must have a hard time because you can not protect yourself" she said and laughs a bit, she backs and looks at me "you can call me Mia" she said and laughed a little again


sorry for late updating and my english is shit but i hope you understand thanks for you have read and love you❤️ 

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