Chapter 7

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Yoongi's Pov:

its have been two weeks. And Nora haven't woken up. I'm getting worried (not that I wasn't in the beginning) I have broke my promise two times. My promise to protect Nora.

I am in my room, sitting on my bed. My elbows on my knees and my hands under my chin so I resting my head on my hands. I have been thinking much of what have happened. All the things that happened to Nora. I got frustrated and stood up. I walked to the balcony. I open the doors and walked out to the railing. I put my hands on the railing and looked up at the stars. Is full moon. My eyes changes to gold. My ears and tail come out. I close my eyes and took a deep breath before I open my eyes and then I got a strong smell of danger. I growl before I transform to my wolf form and jumped from the balcony down to the ground...

Nora's Pov:

I'm in a dark room. That small like skit "my beautiful dotter" I hear a voice. I turn to the voice and see light and a male figure in the middle of the light. The figure stretches out his hand toward me. "I'm sorry" I hear a familiar voice behind me so I turn around again and se in the darkness a new male figure "come to us" I turn around again to the light and see a new female figure beside the male figure and both are stretching out there hands toward me "m-mum, d-dad" I said and lowly started to go to them. But stopped when I remember Yoongi.."Yoongi....Yoongi" I looked back again and se the male figure go. I took a step toward the male. I looked back to my parents that are now smiling and holding each other. "follow your heart" the female said and I smiled before a looked back and saw that the male figure is soon gone. So I started to go and soon I'm running toward the male figure "Yoongi!" I screamed and the male figure stopped and looked back at me "please Yoongi take me with you and keep saving me!" I screamed and soon I am standing in front of him. He is....he is smiling "you scared me" after he said that I quickly hugged him and he hugged me back..

I open my eyes and see black "y-yoongi?" I am scared because I can't se him "I'm here" I hear his voice and all fear just disappeared "I cant see you" I hear him sigh "you can't see me because you are blind" the last word he said broke my heart "you're k-kidding right? Haha I can't be blind" I said and took my hands to my eyes and feel my eyes and that's when I froze. "No no no..Yoongi" I can feel tears building in my eyes.i hear footsteps coming closer "it's okay. I'm going to protect you" Yoongi said and took my hand in his "no no I want to see you" I finally let a tear fall. I lift my free hand and trying to find my way to Yoongi's face. I finally find his face and I literally touch every spot on his face. I started to cry more harder " Shhh is okay" He hugged me and pat my back. And I cried on his shoulder. After a good 10 minutes of crying and supporting. I finally fell asleep on Yoongi's shoulder.

Yoongi's Pov:

I feel sorry for Nora. She really do love me.. I think no no I know I love her too..

I feel that she finally relax a bit. I slowly backed away so I can see her face and she is sleeping. I slowly lie her down again on the bed. I smile at her cute faxe. I stood up and walked out of her room. (Closed the door also)  I walked to the bathroom and stopped in front of the mirror and looked at my face. I have scar on my nose and over my eye. "I will protect Nora till the day I die" I said before I took a shower. After the shower I put on some comfy clothes before I walked to the kitchen and makes some food to Nora. She haven't eaten in like two weeks so I guess she is hungry (😂😂you guess I haven't eaten in like one week and I'm not hungry but Nora in not me haha).

I'm done with the meal and are walking towards Nora's room. I open the door to see she is already awake "yoongi" She said "yes is me" I said and walked toward her bed "I come with food" I put the food on the night stand "oh thanks" She said and smiled not her real smile is fake " Here" I said and gives her the food and she started to eat with me watch..


Long time no talk! Is it just me that really want yoongi to kiss Nora? Comment what you think. Maybe they will kiss in next chapter. You comment and we will see what happens in next chapter love you💕❤

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 25, 2018 ⏰

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