Chapter 4

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chapter 5 is here enjoy and ima get back to work on SN, and SBH just wanna work on this story for a while.... a pic of
Ashely's ex-bf Nick


We arrive at the school the parking lot is packed jam with students. Ian pulls up to the senior parking lot that is oddly surrounded by a bunch of students not including the front doors too usually people don't like hang around the school's front doors. Since no one is really up for learning and this peculiar behavior is really weird, there has to be something wrong. Ian parks his truck, we all  jump out of his truck and run with our bags on our backs to see what the buzz is about. We come to a halt when we are stopped short by some students backs. But spencer was able to get through all the sea of kids. For my age I'm practically short 5'4 to be exact, so Ian lets me get on his shoulders for a better view. This is the only time where jocks come in handy, no offense. I see Spencer's hello kitty hat bobbing up and down as she make her way back to us, I jump off of Ian's back and land gracefully on the sidwalk, well almost gracefully.

"What's up, what did you see?" I asked urgently, while trying to content my curiosity.

"Umm I think we should go you guys." she told as while avoiding my gaze

"What, why?'

"Yea, Spence what's up?" Ian asked, stepping forward before Spencer blocking  him.

"It's nothing guys its stupid we should really go" she suggested while grabbing our arms and pulling us both away from the crowd.

"Wait, this is stupid I want to know what's going on"

"No you don't trust me its-

"Hey, there she is!"
"It's her!"
"So it's true them"n."

Are just some of the things I hear people say as start my way to the front.

Every person here turns their attention to me. I just smiled and waved awkwardly at them. Spencer tries to pull me away from the crowd of people and back to Ian's truck. I stumble a few times; trying to regain my balance and trying to walk at the same pace that Spencer was pulling me. We make it back to the truck and before we can even touch the handle of the truck door, the bell rings for first period.

I sigh in relief it came just in time to because it was starting to get really hot out here. Under no circumstances was I getting back into that truck. I walk in the direction of my first class when I'm pulled to a stop. I turn around and come face to face with Rachel. This probably won't end well for me because whenever I'm backed in a corner by the both of them harassing me I can't handle it but when it's just one of them I'm usually capable of holding my ground. I never get stopped by either of them  while in school because they seem to think that I was me unworthy of being in their precise while in or outside of school for that matter. So not wanting to keep up this showdown of staring I speak up.

"So, what's up?" I ask

"Don't talk to me at school you little..." she said before slowly trailing off

"What? No go on and finish what you was going to say"

"Oh so I guess you haven't heard yet huh" she implied with a smirk

"Heard what?" I asked a little confused

"Oh it's nothing. It's rather silly, but in your case I guess it's not. let's just say, I'll be so embarrassed to be you right now." she said in a low tone, making me think that whatever she meant by that, had to be bad and the worst part about it was that it involved me or had to do something with me. One way or another I'm going to find out what she meant by that. I pass by the lunchroom that sits next to our gym, on my way to my new locker. Ever since the day that I saw my ex(whose name shall not be mentioned) make out with the jane a.k.a the Queen Bee near my locker. I went to the secretary's office and asked her i could have my locker changed by any chance and  since I'm a senior this year we have that kind of a privilege. I make it to my locker when I notice something strange.

The lock on my locker is gone, I swear that I put my lock on here when I was assigned this locker a week ago. And the only people who knew my combination was Spencer and Ian and they would never go into my locker without asking me. I sigh and open my locker to put my bag inside. I notice something else very strange, everything is gone! And on the inside of the door is a note, I gently pull the note off the door; making sure not to tear it since who ever got into my locker ducked taped it.

On the front of the note it says "You're a worthless piece of trash that no man in his right mind would want to be with ."


thanks to oreo2395 for editing and i hope you guys enjoyed it, i know its not that great, but i would really like to know what you guys thought of it

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