Chapter 11

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When I leave Dr. Steel's office I'm overwhelmed with so many emotions. She had just confirmed  that I was indeed pregnant. Whenever I have doubts about something I need to get a second opinion. It still doesn't register that I'm going to be having a baby. But Dr. Steel's confirmation made it more real. I will do whatever it takes to provide a good life for me and my child. The fact that sooner or later I'm going to have to tell my family the new is frightening, who knows how they will react. What if they make me give up my child for adoption? What if they force me to get an abortion?

The walk back to the car ended up being thoughts about how my life is suddenly going to change. I also need to start thinking about getting a job, so I can pay for daycare and support my child and look for colleges that would allow young mothers to attend their school. I get into the car and drive back to Spencer's house. When I pull up into the driveway everyone is standing outside. My mother, father, Rachel, Alexia, Spencer's parents, Lilly (her sister) Ian and Chris. I have to do a double take and make sure that I'm not seeing things.

I pull up beside my family's vehicle and turn off the engine. It's the strangest thing to see my family out talking to people like they aren't seriously screwed up. My parents are chatting away with Spencer's parents like they are old friends, drinking lemonade and laughing. While Rachel and Alexia flirt with Ian and Chris who looks like they want to run for the hills as Spencer watches from afar enjoying the scene folding out before her as she stifles a laugh.

I walk up to the porch where my parents and Mr and Mrs Marin are talking. I hand Mrs Marin the keys and she smiles in return. She thanks me and says what a joy it is to see my family and that I should bring them around more. I smile politely at her, as they continue to talk about whatever, as I drown out their voices. If the authorities knew what went on inside our  house, my parents would be in jail for child abuse and neglect, I hope. There has been countless times where I wanted to bust my family and expose them for what they are. but I've never took the initiative. My family seems like just any other family when we are all out in public but it's a diffrenet story behind closed doors.

Not one day goes by that I do want to tell someone, like the police but what if they think I'm lying because I just don't like my family. what if they make up some elaborate scheme to make me seems crazy and shipped off to some place over seas. The police wouldn't even understand why I kept silent for so long either, so why bother. Hopefully I can get through this pregnancy, graduate high school and go on to college, so me and my child can get away from this dangerous and toxic family.

I'm already scarred for life either way from all the things they have done to me over the years, such has beating and almost starving me at one point because I didn't want to carry all of their suitcases at one time up the stairs after I had spent all day cleaning up the house after they left a complete mess. I know I'm going to need some sort of therapy if I ever want to be a good mother to my child. One time I almost alerted Spencer and Ian about my situation at home because I was eating so much during breakfast and lunch or even in between. The abuse started the day I was born and it's all I've ever known. Keeping it a secret from my friends and other family members was getting harder with each passing day and that's something i dont want my little angel  to ever experience. I lay my hand over my belly and  my other arm around my mother who instantly tenses up and I causally drop my arm to my side.

"What's going on?" I ask silently

"We was just asking the Marins if they knew where you was? We was so worried when you didn't come home after school today. We almost thought you had gotten kidnapped." My mother said very convincingly, she clutches her pearls while sporting a concerned look and wrapping one arm around me.

"We told them you was running an errand and they had nothing to worry ab-" Mr. Marin tried to say before my father rudely interrupted him.

"We wasn't worried, we just wanted to know where you was." My father interjected, half patting me on the head and half hugging me in awkward motion. Suprised by his sudden contact, I jerk back a little bit causing everyone to stare at me.

Realizing what I did I tried to played it off as a joke. "Your hands are cold dad." I laugh, trying to ease the tension.

Mr and Mrs Marin seems to buy it when thier faces relax. I look up at my father and the look on his face said everything. What did he expect me to do? Just relax and give into the awkward pat/hug? I think back to what he said earlier and snort, yeah like they are ever worried about me, more like worried I might expose them. But atleast they are good actors and liars.

My father latches his arm around me signalling Rachel, Alexia, and my mother that it's time to go. But then I have a great idea, and with these witnesses here there is no way they can say no.

"Daddy?" I say sweetly, he looks down at me with a smile plastered on his face.

"Yes?" He matched my sweet tone. Touché

"Would I be able to spend the weekend with Spencer? We really haven't hung out, since school started and I really do miss spending time with her." I say batting my eyelashes and give him the puppy dog look.

"But you already see her at school?"

"True, but I don't get to spend the night with her that much. I want  real quality time with her. If it's ok with Mr and Mrs Marin." I say, turning to Spencer's parents. He has no choice but to say yes, they don't want to disappoint us in front of people.

He look at the Marins who anxiously awaiting his answer as well as Spencer, Ian and Chris who look at him expectantly.

"It's fine with us Jim and Pam, she can stay for as long as she wants, we love having her here." Mr and Mrs Marin both said in unison.

My father nods his head in response and tells them he will take me home to pack up and they can come and get me. I mentally jump for joy, when I think about having a whole weekend away from my family is like winning a million dollars in the Lottery.

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