Take You All In

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Hello! This is a one shot that I've been holding onto for months now because I'm scared that it sucks hardcore, but I've been dying to post something. I don't write smut like ever so if it sucks I'm sorry. Please feel free to point out any errors, I'd be happy to correct them. Anyways!

‘See you soon' Zayn reads for the 15th time as he tries to release the death grip he has on his cell phone. He's overwhelmed and honestly he might throw up.

It feels like its been an eternity since he last saw Liam and he's more than excited for Liam to be home now that he’s done touring. However, that doesn't change the fact that a swarm of butterflies seem to be having a family reunion in his stomach at the fact that his boyfriend is only 20 minutes away. Its been 2 days since their last text, 8 days since their last phone call, 23 days since their last video chat and exactly 114 days since he last got to see Liam in person and he knows it's stupid, but he's nervous. He's done everything from changing his outfit (6 times) to cleaning the entire house-- right down to making sure even the fucking grout sparkles between the tiles on the kitchen floor to distract himself. Now he finds himself pacing in front of the door and obsessively re-reading Liam's text as he's out of things to do.

Zayn's head snaps up at the sound of keys jingling on the other side of the door and he's sure he looks like a deer caught in the headlights of an oncoming semi as the door swings open and-

yeah he's definitely gonna throw up.

They both stand there for a moment. Just taking each other in. Like Zayn's sure he wouldn't be able to take his eyes off of Liam even if his life depended on it. Yeah no, he'd gladly go out of this world with the last thing he saw being Liam looking incredibly soft with his hoodie (that is clearly too big for him) hanging in a way that makes him look strangely small, almost as if they had gone back in time and Liam was 16 again. But Zayn knew that wasn't the case as Liam's face was covered in scruff and as his eyes traveled downward he could just make out the bottom of his 4 tattoo that was peeking out from underneath his sleeve and-

"Don't cry," Liam whispered and rushed towards Zayn's now open arms. He immediately tucked his head under Zayn's chin and wrapped his arms tightly around his waist.

"You are too," Zayn mumbled into Liam's hair as he heard him sniffle a few times. Liam let out a watery sounding laugh and tried to pull away, but Zayn wasn't having any of that. "Nope. You are never allowed to leave my arms again."

Liam laughed again and tried once more. He stood back and moved his hands so they were cupping Zayn's cheeks. Zayn put his hands over Liam's and stood there silently, letting Liam look him over.

"You look good," He practically whispered and made an attempt to lean in for a kiss, but Zayn abruptly pulled away.

"Good? I did not change my outfits 6 times just for a 'you look good'," Zayn muttered, childishly imitating Liam's accent.

Liam rolled his eyes fondly. "Okay you look damn good, that better?"

"Oh I suppose that'll have to do for now," Zayn sighed dramatically before pulling Liam back into a bone crushing hug.

They stood wrapped around each other for a bit, Zayn listening intently to Liam's calming heartbeat and before he could think any better of it-

"How are the rest of the lads?"

And he knew, he knew it was a stupid question and of all times to ask? The way Liam seemed to go completely still in his arms was confirmation enough. Now was not the time.

"Is that really what you want to talk about right now?" Liam asked and carefully pulled away from Zayn to get a better look at his face.

Zayn swallowed thickly and shook his head slightly. "Actually I'd rather-" He cut himself off as he surged forward and caught Liam's lips between his own. Liam let out a surprised sound, but quickly melted into the kiss.

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