Chapter 16

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***Chapter 16 & 17 is about how Damon and Vanessa are feeling, thinking, etc. ***

   I don't know what to do. I feel so useless not being able to help find her, not knowing what else could be useful to the police. I miss her so much. she wouldn't be missing right now if I had told her sister or told the cops from the moment I knew it started. If I had spoken up sooner I would of been the one with her. I could of been the lucky guy to be married to her, to have a kid with her, to call her MY love. instead I was a coward, I kept the secret, let her suffer, let her marry an idiot who doesn't know how to value an amazing girl. Knock Knock. I answered the door and found Vanessa standing there with coffee. "Hey," she said. "Hi come in. Is it just you?" She nodded and came inside, staring awkwardly at my Batman pj's. "'s already 1:00pm don't you think you should be out of those pj's?" I looked down, then up then down again. "Why? it's not like I'm going out anywhere." She handed me my coffee and sat down without another word. "So why are you here? I asked. "well I just wanted to see how you were doing, its been almost a month since Hayley's disappearance." she took a sip of her coffee and waited for me to answer. I took a sip of mine and sat there for a moment. "Well...let's see, I'm fine even though the fucking cops still cant find her, no one knows where the hell Matt took her, oh and no one can find Matt even though I'm sure he's out there somewhere while Hayley is probably locked up somewhere horrible." I looked over at Vanessa and found her staring at me with big sad eyes and maybe feeling horrible that i just made her imagine hayley being locked up. "I'm sorry, i just...i miss her, i wish this wasnt happening. I dont know what to do, i feel useless and...and i want her back with me, with you, with US." She put her hand on mine and tried smiling. "I miss her too, you, me and Harry. I know the cops are trying everything they can to find her. oh and are not alone in this, i feel your pain, Matt took MY sister, my baby sister. he took my baby sister and my nephew, I am not letting him get away with this." I looked at her and nodded.

   I opened the door to my house and found Harry making himself a meal. "Hey, you're back," he said. "Yea...I went to see Damon." He brought me over his sandwich for me to eat instead. "How is he?" I looked up at him and then at the sandwich. "Hey is so not okay...neither am I. I'm trying to be but when I see Damon like makes it harder for me to put on my brave face. I still cant believe that the police cant find not one damn clue. I want my sister back, I want her and my nephew back. Dear god, what if she has the baby and Matt wants to get rid of it because it would be too much work for him?" I put my hands on my face, covering it up so Harry wouldn't see all the tears coming out. I heard him drop everything to come running towards me and hugged me real tight. "Don't you think like that. Don't put thoughts like that into your head, its not healthy and you don't know what he would really do." I nodded and hugged him back. I really hope we find Hayley soon. I cant loose my baby sister like how I lost my parents. I don't want to be alone. "Vanessa please eat, you haven't been eating well and you could get sick. I sat there thinking for a moment and then just decided to eat. But while I was eating I was still focused on how much longer until my sister is found? Tomorrow she turns seven months with her pregnancy and no one not even the cops have a single clue where she could be. I don't want to think that we wont ever see her again or that we wont find her until my nephew is a year old or more. what if by the time we find them my nephew is four and has no idea who I am, doesn't know Harry or Damon? I want her to be found already. "Vanessa?" I looked up and found Harry staring at me. "Everything ok?" I nodded and kept eating, trying to ignore the thoughts running through my mind. "Harry...can we go out tomorrow with Damon? I want us to go out so he can get some fresh air and so all of us can empty out our mind for a bit." He looked up from his phone and sat there looking as if I just said something totally brilliant. "Of course honey, that would do you both some good. I'll text Damon and I'll tell him that I will pick him up tomorrow morning, So before you go to bed tonight think of what you guys would want to do. I will be the driver tomorrow." He smiled at me and I nodded. What's something that will keep us occupied for a while? We could go play mini that's not good, we could go watch a movie? No that's a terrible idea. I guess I have some thinking to do all day today.

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