Chapter 20

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   "Hayley you get to go home tomorrow!" said my nurse Jackie. Jackie was the sweetest, she would come in all happy and bright. She would bring me some Jell-o she would make at home because she said the Jell-o from the hospital is awful and no one can beat hers. She would always be kind and gentle with Noah, she loved to bring him stuffed animals from the gift shop. "Are you excited?" she asked. "Excited for what?" asked Damon. He would be the first one to come in the mornings. "I get to go home tomorrow." He smiled and cheered. "Well I will be back to bring you Noah," said Jackie. "You need a car seat! I need to get you a car seat, or else how is Noah supposed to go home?" Damon was freaking out at this point. "Damon its ok, I can tell Harry or my sister to get one before they come to visit." He shook his head and took out his keys then headed to the door. "Look who's here guys! It's handsome little Noah," said Jackie. Damon moved out the way and let them come in, for a second I thought he was still going to leave but he ended up staying. Jackie left to give us some space and Damon couldn't wait to have Noah in his arms. He then gave me Noah, Noah was crying and fussing and Damon didn't know what to do. "He just needs to be fed, don't freak out," I said laughing. "Sorry I just thought he was upset because he didn't like how I was holding him or something."  We lied on the bed together with Noah for a while. We watched some cartoons, ate some snacks and then eventually Damon fell asleep just like Noah. They were both out like a light. A couple minutes later my sister and Harry arrived. "Hi Hayley, Hello little handsome Noah," said Vanessa. Damon suddenly woke up and got off the bed. "I think I'm going to go ahead and go buy that car seat for you, I'll see you later." Damon kissed Noah on his head and left the room. I turned around to face Vanessa. "Why aren't you two talking? She looked at me, turned to harry and then back to me. "He said a few things when you were uh... gone, and they were kind of harsh things. He never apologized, so now we don't talk." Harry looked at me and asked if he could take Noah for a second. "Go ahead Harry, and seriously? I need you two to talk, you guys are my family and if y'all don't start talking soon I will beat some sense into you both. I don't care who said what or who did what, I want you guys to be okay with each other." She nodded and agreed, then she took Noah from Harry.

   I get to go home today! I was so ready to get out of the hospital and go home where I can eat real food, like some god damn Bacon! I can be home with my baby and not have to wait for the nurses to bring him back, I can hold him whenever I want. "Bye Hayley, I am so happy that I got to meet you and Noah and the rest of your family. I wish you and Noah the very best," said Jackie. She helped me into the car and handed me one last Stuffed animal for Noah. "Thank you so much for everything Jackie." She closed the doors and waved us goodbye. "Your sister said she already set up your room with baby stuff like a crib and a rocking chair and I don't know like a bunch of stuff," said Damon. I guess they are talking again. "Are you Vanessa in good terms now?" He laughed and nodded. When I got home I didn't know what I was coming home to, there were a bunch of balloons, a small cake, stuffed animals for Noah and I, and gifts for Noah. Apparently Harry bought Noah four bags of baby clothes and some shoes. My sister and Damon got him four stuffed animals.  "you guys are insane!" I said. They all laughed and just carried on with Showing me Noah's gifts. It felt so good to be home, everyone was having such a good time. I'm blessed with the best family ever, I would of never imagined that Damon, Harry and my little Noah would come into my life. Matt may have abused me, he may have done so much shit to me but he gave me a little boy that I will always love so much with all my heart. I am so blessed to be his mother. After the gifts and the cake we all sat down to watch tv until it was midnight. "It's really late I should get home now," said Damon. "I'll walk you out." I stood up and handed Noah to Vanessa. He kissed my forehead and said goodnight. I headed back inside, I looked around for Vanessa but she wasn't on the couch. "She took him to his crib, you should go check out your new room," said Harry. I headed up the stairs and walked into my room. It looked amazing, there was a crib, a rocking chair, baby toys, etc. It was like a cute nursery and then there was my bed, but my bed sheets now had palm trees on it. My room looked amazing. " I love it, thank you so much for all of this. Thank you for everything, I love you so damn much." I started crying and went over to Vanessa to hug her. She cried too and hushed me so Noah wouldn't wake up. We headed back downstairs and found Harry snoring on the couch. "Lemme wake him up and take him to bed. You should go get some sleep too," Whispered Vanessa. I nodded and headed to my room to sleep. I stared at Noah for a while, he looked so peaceful and adorable in his new monkey pj's. I kissed him goodnight and went to bed.

A month has gone by and everyone including myself have been settling in just right in the house. I feel so lucky that Noah doesn't wake up so often in the middle of the night or else I would not be getting enough sleep. I still haven't heard from Matt, I know I shouldn't be thinking about him anymore but how cant I? He kidnapped me and had me for a while, tied me up, beaten me, starved me at times, and insulted me. I just keep thinking that soon or later he's going to come and take me again or worse, take Noah away from me and possibly forever. "Earth to Hayley!" yelled Vanessa. I was so lost in my thoughts that I didn't even realize that my sister was talking to me. "sorry, what?" She shook her head and walked over to me. "Harry and Damon are almost here." It was a nice and sunny day, so we decided to go out and have a picnic. Damon and Harry drove to the nearest store to buy a big blanket because Damon forgot to grab one. We also forgot to get extra diapers for Noah. I looked over at Noah, he looked adorable in his little shorts and T-Rex shirt. He was honestly the most calmest baby I have ever met. He only cries when he's hungry, dirty or just irritated. "Hey we're back!" yelled Harry. Damon came over to me and kissed me on my head. We made our relationship official a couple of weeks ago. I asked him again if he was sure he wanted to be with someone who already has a kid, he laughed at me and said nothing I say will scare him off because he is sure he wants this. We sat and ate hot dogs, ate ice cream, fruit cocktails and played Frisbee. It really felt like a good day, for once I felt free. I could forget it all and live in the present. I closed my eyes for a bit to take in the sun on my face, the noise of laughter coming from others around us, and to relax my shoulders from all the tense I felt before. I opened my eyes and Damon's face was an inch from mine, and then he smiled and kissed me. He backed away and smiled, then looked down at Noah. He made silly faces at him and did his little baby talk to Noah. " Hey Hayley I wanted to ask you something, It's kind of important. You don't have to give me an answer right away, you can have time to think about it." He kept making faces at Noah and played with Noah's favorite stuffed Tiger that he bought him. "Ok...what is it?" I asked. He gave Noah his tiger back and looked at me. He was giving me a little smirk. "Would you and Noah love to move in with me?"

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