pt 3. The pun master

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( a/n the drawing above belongs to
ShockHen, Italics = thoughts )

It has been a week, since you fell into the Underground. You have finished the first puzzle, trying your hardest to never show your magic to anyone.

Y/n pov
I walked back to the house. Once I was inside once inside mom walked over to me.

"My child. I am going to bed now I am very tired. I'll see you tomorrow rest well my child". Mom gave me a quick kiss on my head and went to her room. I went to my too room. Until I could hear her soft snores, I teleported out of my room. To the living room.

Right in front of the bookcase, I grabbed 6 books. And teleported to the basement.

I stood in front of the large purple door. "Time to practice". I quickly threw away the six books.

But before a single one hit the floor, I used my telekinesis and made them levitate.
I made a f/c sword out of magic. I ran towards the first book and sliced it. I sliced 3 books in half, and let them drop to the floor.
I made the sword turn in f/c gun and shot the remaining 3. ( short a/n From upstairs you can't hear what's going on in the basement.)

I leaned against the door and sat with my back against the door down. "*sigh* That was... tiring. I really need to do this more often." I sat a minute before.

Bad puns incoming!

I knocked twice on the door and said, "Knock knock. Who's there? Nana. Nana who? Nana your business!" I said while giggling. After I said that I heard muffled chuckling from behind the door.

I was shocked, so shocked I knocked my head back against the door. Luckily it came out as a soft thud. I am not alone! So to test my theory I will make another knock knock joke.

"Knock knock. Who's there? Etch. Etch who? Bless you!"

This time I could hear it clearer, it is a man! Alright time to let him know I know he is here! With a joke!
"Knock knock. Who is there? Y/n. Y/n who? Well that is my name now who are you? Come on I know you are there!"

Sans pov
I was heading to the door, hoping to share more jokes and puns with Toriel. Once I was near I could hear 3 gun shots from inside!

I quickly teleported behind a tree to hide. I waited a minute. Nonononono not genocide again!

but no one came.

I slowly walked to the door.
And I heard a voice!

"Knock knock. Who's there? Nana. Nana who? Nana your business!" they sound female. I tried to muffle my laughter, now hope they didn't hear.

"Knock knock. Who's there? Etch. Etch who? Bless you!" This time I couldn't hide it, they probably heard that.

They didn't say anything for a minute until.
"Knock knock. Who is there? Y/n. Y/n who? Well that is my name now who are you? Come on I know you are there!"

"E-ehhh h-heya y/n. I-i am S-Sans, Sans the S-Skeleton." Why did I stutter?!

"Hehe nice to meet you Sans. Hey Sans? don't you think that the person who invented the knock knock joke, should get the no-bell price!"

"Heh I'm not sure if I've heard that pun before, but it rings a bell."

Y/n pov
"Heh I'm not sure if I've heard that pun before, but it rings a bell."
I bursted out in a fit of laughter. After I calmed down, I realised I had to sleep before Toriel notices I am gone!

"Hey Sans, it was very nice to meet you but I gotta go. Could we do this same time tomorrow?" "Of course and it was very nice to meet you too."
"Alright I'll see you tomorrow" I said before I teleported to my room.

I quickly put on the sleeping clothes Toriel gave me. And went to bed. I couldn't get Sans' voice out of my head. His smooth and carefree way of talking.

Before sleep had me in its grasp , I heard the door open and close.

Time skip to when you wake up

I woke up again with the scent of butts pie. I still couldn't get Sans out of my head. But it quickly went away when I heard knocking.

"My child breakfast will be ready in a few minutes." "Alright mom I'll get dressed now." I quickly got dressed. (the same dress Toriel wears + lab coat). And went to the living room. "ah my child breakfast is ready" Toriel called out from the kitchen.

Time skip to when you are done eating

"Thanks mom it was delicious as always. I am gonna go to the puzzles." "Wait my child I have something to give you." She handed me a small book with brown leather casing.

"I saw you were interested in the Ruins, so I thought now you could write everything down of what you see." "THANK YOU MOM!" I tackle hugged mom. "He he no problem my dear."

I ran out the door and started writing a few little details of this place down.
And recalibrated some of the puzzles.

2 week time skip cuz I am still lazy af

Every night I went to the basement and trained/share puns with Sans. I may or may not have a crush on him, okay maybe a huge one. In the morning I would discover more secrets of the Ruins and recalibrate the puzzles.

It was night once again. I quickly grabbed 8 books and teleported to the basement. I started training and when I was done I heard his voice.

"Hey y/n you there?" "H-hey Sans you're early." "Same goes for you."
"Hey Sans?" "Y-yeah?" "I am sorry to cut this very short. Please come back tomorrow the same time. I... have things to do. Bye Sans see you tomorrow"

"WAIT! What do you mean things to do?!" When he said that I quickly teleported upstairs. I walked over to Toriels room and knocked.

"Who's there?" Mom said. "deja" I replied "deja who?" Mom said. "Knock knock!" I called out. She opened the door. "hehe what's wrong my child? Because normally you won't come to me at this time." She knows me too well.

"Mom I would like to ask if I could explore the rest of the Underground tomorrow."
"M-my child why?" "I already know every detail of this place like the back of my hand. And I would like to know what is beyond that door."

"I-I understand you have been here for quite a while.*mom mode on*But I will help you pack some supplies, you go and get some sleep."

Tem skip to tomorrow morning

I woke up did my morning routine, and put on my lab coat. When it finally was night I grabbed my bag and teleported into the basement. "He should be here any moment now".

I stood before the door a few minutes and decided. I would meet him outside! I opened the door...

to be hit with a blazing cold! and so much snow immediately clouding my sight. I walked out the door and began trudging through the snow.

1237 words

( a/n I finally updated again! And I hope I did the cliffhanger right. If you ever have any suggestions, ideas or requests put them in the comments.

Author: finally peace!

*Danique pops out of nowhere*

Danique: *whispers* I know you like him.

Author: I-I don't know w-who you are t-talking about 0///0. AND WHERE DID YOU COME FROM?!?


Author:*quickly puts hand over Danique's mouth* nobody needs to know.  *goes to the void* ey G I am back again!

G@$ter: again? Why this time?

Author: I'll explain later... )

"To The Underground!" - Sans x fem!Reader "Discontinued!" Where stories live. Discover now