Chapter 2

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'I woke up with the biggest headache i already had, after the up tenth millionth time courtney and I have argued and it has left me not wanting to get out of bed,'

'i stuck my hand under my pillow brushing a picture with my finger i keep it at, knowing its there i take it out and look at the picture of krist and I, i never leave without it let alone sleep without it being handy.'

'i know, pretty weird that i have a picture of my best friend than maybe my girlfriend i can jack off too or something but im starting to hate the fuck out of her, after all the shit she makes me feel like and the stress she puts me under, and i try to not make it so obvious because i could never tell anyone, maybe i could tell dave because i know he'd probably wont do much or maybe i shouldnt because he is a blabber mouth but krist.. he would and he wouldnt tell anyone anything and plus..he wouldn't let anyone get get away with it, he never does'

'i smiled and looked over at krist who was snoring really loud with his mouth all the way open'

' i chuckle and just sighed..god he could be so cute sometimes'

'i kinda curse at myself for saying that kind of shit, i dont even know if its possible that i could have feelings for krist like that..can i?'

'krists loud yawn caused me to look over at him again but he ended up turning over facing the wall'

"Hey kurt, you awake?" Dave asked, jumping off his bunk.

'i looked up and saw dave standing next to me'

"uh, yeah but i wanna just lay here for a little bit longer" i said folding my arm under my head looking at him

"alright, hey krist, krist" dave shouted

'krist just lays there groaning'

"Ugh, what?" krist asked annoyed

'you awake?' he asked

"no im not" krist said muffiling his mouth with his pillow

"you sure, wanna get some breakfast?"

'and just like that, he shot up but lost his balance and fell out of his bunk'

''ow, fuck'' he said looking up at dave

'I couldnt help but laugh at him and point, cuz that shit was hilarious'

"oh you think thats funny?!" he challenged

"its fucking hysterical!" i said pointing at him again

"oh yeah?!"

'he got up and jumped on me in my bunk'

"ah shit" i said struggling under his grasp

'he gave me a playful smirk "hows this for funny?!"

'he tickled me all on my sides causing me to have a fit of giggling laughter and spaz out'

"Hahahaha krist stop, hahaha okay, okay im sorry i ta-take it back! please hahaha"
'i said through fits of giggling'

'he stopped and plopped down on top of me, i was feeling a huge blush coming, not just from the tickling, but from him being this close to me in general, the only times i had him this close was when i had a falling out with courtney or when he was staying over and sleeping in the same bed in case i had a nightmare..i mean that was the only time he ever did get this close..'

''Good, apology accepted" he said in the pillow

'yeah you win' i said heaving breaths

"well now that i got both your attention" dave spoke up

'i forgot he was even still here'

"Lets go im hungry!" he whined

"we'll catch up in a minute" krist responds

"alright fine jeez" dave said as he walked out of the bus

'krist sits up over me and looks down at me' "so, how'd you sleep" he said as he rubbed his head

'i chuckled, i wouldn't call it sleep but it was okay' i said looking up at him.

'he looked at me, the look of concerned' "Everything okay?"

'i thought about telling him the truth, but i dont know..i dont want him hunting her down and doing god knows what'

'so i just had to put it off "im fine, lets go get some breakfast" i said nudging him

'he looked like he wasnt buying it but he shrugged and nodded but the look still remained'

"okay" he said jumping off me

"lets eat im starving" he said

'I got up and put my shoes on' "haha alright lets go" i said following him out the door

'he kept looking back at me and waited for me to walk past him so he can walk with me'

'i think hes trying to get something out of me but im scared to tell him because i dont want him to be angry over it'

'I honestly can't afford losing my best friend over her and my feelings that im still quite confused about..'

'Im just gonna have to keep the bullshit running and keep my head down and thoughts to myself if im gonna not let his anger get the best of him..i worry about krist..i mean he's one of my only true friends but certainly not the last, he was my very first..'

'i looked over at him as he walks back behind me, he catches me looking, i smile a bit to myself as the expression of thinking hits his face, im certainly enjoying the outcome of it' i thought looking back ahead.

'i still feel his gaze stuck against me like glue'

'But i have to be distracted until dave can finally find a damn place he wants to eat at ughh'

'Dave is great and all but he's certainly not krist..'

'Thats probably why we only work as good friends than i would consider him anything more' i thought in my head watching dave making a beeline around the fast food places on foot'

'Who the hell am i kidding im probably not fooling anybody..maybe krist does know im lying..'

(End of chapter 2).

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