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Summary: Jughead imagine where you get jealous when he spends a lot of time with Betty so you argue and make up.

Warnings: Swearing

Word count: 815

A/N: Sorry this is a bit of a shorter one, I will do a longer one tommorow. I just had writers block. So make sure to send me some ideas

"Hey, Juggie!" you hear a voice call from down the hall of Riverdale High. It's the end of the day and you and your boyfriend have plans to people watch at Pop's before heading to your place to watch some movies and get some well deserved alone time. You haven't had the chance to see him outside of school in weeks because of stuff going on at home.

You turn to see who called his nickname, and none other than Betty Cooper is walking towards you.

"Hey, Betty." Jughead replies.

"I have some new information." she says cryptically.

Words seem to pass between them without being spoken. You stare at both of them, wondering what the hell is going on.

"Sorry, (Y/N), I gotta go, I'll call you later." he says, giving you a hug and quick kiss on the forehead before walking off with Betty.

You barely have a chance to get a word in before they're walking out of the building together to do who knows what.

You don't see him for a few days after that, the weekend approaching and going without even a text. You feel lonely, and angry. What did Betty have that you didn't? It's like he's been purposely avoiding you to hang out with her, and you didn't like that. You didn't care so much that they were friends, but that you were his girlfriend, and he was starting to spend more time with her than with you.

It's a late monday night and you decide you need answers. You can't handle the radio silence any longer. You've been dating for a little over a year, and you deserve to know what's going on. He knows about your parents and is helping you through the divorce, he knows about how you lost your job, and all the other shit that piles on from being a teenager, yet he's barely let you in at all.

You pull out your phone, writing a text.

'I need to see you, now. We need to talk.' is all it says.

You press send.

He shows up at your window a few minutes later, since you only live a few blocks apart.

You open the window for him, letting in the cold night air.

"What is it? What's wrong?" he asks, wiping himself off as he steps inside.

"What's wrong? I haven't seen you in a week, Jughead." you say, trying not to get mad.

He just looks at you, unable to get any words out.

"I'm sorry." he finally says, looking down.

"Sorry?" you question, mocking his response, your voice becoming a bit more powerful. "You've ditched me for what? For Betty?" you accuse.

The name hangs in the air between you, an elephant in the room.

"(Y/N) are you insane? Of course not. You're my girlfriend." he says, trying to reach out to you, but you back away.

"Sure doesn't feel like it." you say, venom in your voice.He may not realize it, but not seeing or talking to him hurts you. It hurts you more than you can bare.

You turn away from him, unable to look at his face anymore.

"I love you. No one else." he says, firm in his words. Regret is written all over his features, and now he knows that he's done something wrong, he knows that he's hurt you. He doesn't have it in him to fight, not when he knows that he's in the wrong.

"Prove it." you say, only glancing back at him. Tears that you didn't even realize were there began to form in your eyes.

Before you have a chance to say anything, he turns you back around and looks in your eyes.

You look up at him, allowing the touch.

He brushes a strand of hair that's fallen in front of your face behind your ear, and the hand moves to hold the back of your neck.

He moves closer, the other hand going to cup your cheek as he presses his lips to yours.

He kisses you with a passion you've never felt from him before, and it's like you can tell that he wants you with every fiber of his being.

One of your hands tangle themselves in his hair, pulling him closer.

He breaks away only to lead you to the bed, pulling you close. You cuddle up to him and start to kiss him again, wrapped in his arms.

"I've missed you so much," you whisper against his lips, "don't you dare think of ditching me again." a smile creeps over your face as he pulls you closer against his body.

"Never." he says back, holding my face once more so that our lips don't fall too far from each other.

The past few weeks melt away, because in this moment, he's there and he's yours.

You can't ask for anything better.

Much love xx

𝐒𝐔𝐒𝐈𝐄 𝐌𝐀𝐘, j.jonesWhere stories live. Discover now