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MACKENZIE SHIFTED AROUND, LEANING in closer to Johnny's forearm. They had put on a movie but now they have to talk about this whole secret plan. She moved off of him and sat across him on her bed.

Johnny loved her touch, he got upset when they moved off each other. "Let's talk, explain what's going to happen at school tomorrow and what's our story."

Johnny nods. "So, you're my 'official girlfriend'. After the game I told you to meet me and I asked you out, I surprised you with flowers and chocolates. The messages that say I'm meeting with you is also proof." Johnny explained, Mackenzie soaked in the information.

"And what are the rules?"

"Rules are we don't tell anyone our secret. And we only have to put up the act when there's people around. We have to act like a couple so you gotta hug me and be close to me, and kiss me. Couple stuff, you know? Oh and no falling for each other."

"NO, BIG NO! I AM NOT PARTICIPATING IN THIS! No way will I kiss, hug or cuddle with you! I'm not doing it, Goodbye. Get out." She shouted.

Mackenzie had stood up by now and Johnny gently tugged her wrists, pulling Mackenzie onto his lap. Her cheeks heat up and she looked down, biting her lip. "Please don't make me, Johnny." She whispered.

He uses two fingers and lifts her chin up, "Princess, it'll be fine. I promise you Andrea and Emma will back off and so will everyone else. Just please help me with this." Her heart flutters.

Crossing her arms, Mackenzie narrowed her eyes. "Fine, deal. Now leave, it's four pm. See you tomorrow, bye." She hopped off his lap and dragged him downstairs, pushing him out of the door.

"Have a great evening, girlfriend." Johnny smirks, walking off to his car.


Mackenzie looked over her appearance in the mirror one last time. She had one of Johnny's jumpers on that he had lended to her. To make the relationship thing more believable. She paired the hoodie with ripped denim jeans.

Mackenzie grabbed a water bottle and walked outside, only to see Johnny's car in the driveway. Her eyebrows raised and she approached him. Her head peeked through the window, he was on social media. "Uh, Hey there. Whatcha doing here?" She broke the silence.

Johnny looked to his right and smiled. "Here to pick you up, Princess. Get in." She did as told and Johnny made his way onto the streets.

"How did you sleep, baby?" He questioned Mackenzie, purposely calling her cute nicknames. It annoyed her.

"We only have to act like that in public, Moron,"

He pretended like he was hurt, holding a hand to his heart. They arrive at school and Mackenzie felt like she could faint. Everybody is going to kill her.

"Ready?" She nods at Johnny.

They interlock their hands and neither can stop smiling. Their hands fit perfectly, and Mackenzie had some sort of tingling sensation. She had butterflies. As they walk through the hallway, many students were either taping or whispering to one an other. So many people were shocked.

"Why her?"


"Lowkey cute."

"I'd rather smash a pig."

She felt like her throat was being clogged and tears were threatening to spill. This was a bad idea. Mackenzie ripped apart their hands and began to walk faster. He sighed and approached her, interlocking then again.

"Don't worry about them, Princess. It's just me and you." Johnny smiled genuinely, making Mackenzie smile slightly.

He doesn't know why he is being genuinely nice to Mackenzie. He didn't even know who she was a couple days ago. Johnny felt slightly bad that he was just using her, but at the same time he didn't care. He'd probably drop her soon.

Johnny leads her to his locker, Mandla was at his locker which was across Johnny's and gave Mackenzie a look. Mandla was extremely confused as to why Mackenzie was with Johnny.

Johnny was greeting his friends while Mackenzie stood there awkwardly. She knew all of them. Lauren Orlando, Johnny's sister. Nadia Turner & Darius Marcell and Annie & Hayden.

Mackenzie felt a little self conscious when they all stared her down. Especially the three girls, they were perfect and she was just there.

"Guys, this is my girlfriend, Mackenzie." He introduced her, they all waved at her and smiled.

"Yeah, uh hello." Mackenzie waved, crossing her arms around her body.

Everybody slips into a conversation about all the students, she just listened intently and said nothing. All of a sudden Mackenzie pushed up against the lockers by Johnny. His arms circled around her waist and she unconsciously wrapped her hands around his neck.

"Kiss me." He said in a low, deep tone.

"Are they coming?"


Mackenzie slowly leaned in, afraid, but Johnny wasn't patient and roughly slams his lips on hers. She kissed back, slipping into a rhythm, he asks for permission and she weirdly allowed him. The kiss goes on for a minute but it felt like forever to Mackenzie.

Johnny was on cloud Nine, there is no way she's never been kissed before. She seemed so natural and she was so hot when she was kissing him.

"Princess," he whispers, Mackenzie looked up into his gorgeous green orbs.

"Hm?" She was still in a trance from that kiss, it felt amazing.

"They weren't coming, see you at lunch." He smirks, walking off with his friends. Mackenzie gaped at the boy, watching him walk down the hall.

Even Mandla was looking from across the hall, his eyes widened. "Damn bitch, you really got some in the hallway!"

Mackenzie flipped him off.



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