"You will marry and have 7 kids"

4 0 0

15 years later...

"Jane, get your brothers and sister ready for school or we're going to be late!" I yelled

"Jack, get out of the bathroom, everybody else has to brush their teeth!"

"Savannah, pack the kids lunches while I go crank the car!"

                              *    *    *    *

This is how a normal morning goes at my house. When you have seven kids, it gets pretty chaotic.

And by the way, Jem, the guy that I met on the bus, well he is now my husband.

                             *    *    *    *

An earlier conversation...

"Why did we have to have 7 kids?" I asked Jem

"Well it's not my fault. We already had 3 and you just had to have another. Then, the 'other' turned out to be quadruplets," Jem replied, jokingly.

"Ha ha, very funny."

"Hey do you wanna go eat Chinese for lunch?"

"Sure, are we gonna take all the kids?"

"I thought that we would just drop them off at your mom's and pick them up after."

"Sounds good to me."

At the Chinese restaurant...

"I think that you should open your cookie first, so we can see what our future holds," Jem said.

"Yeah because we all know that these things are legit, what they say actually happens," I said sarcastically.

I opened mine and it said:

You will live in Antarctica.

"Well, we really have nothing to worry about this time because there is no way that we will ever live in Antarctica."


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