Chapter One

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Now at last they were

beginning Chapter One

of the Great Story

no one on earth

has ever read,

which goes on forever:

in which every chapter is better

than the one before.

--C.S. Lewis


                                It was chaos. He didn’t understand why anyone would want to go to school in such loud and uncomfortable conditions. The screaming protesters thrusted their signs of hatred in the clear yet humid sky making the should be peaceful walk into school terrifying and confusing. But it wasn’t always like this, he knew enough from the stories he had heard from Lillian while he had been in the hospital. High school was exactly like the movies. The clichés and drama was all real and somehow seriously more stressful then he had thought. 

                It was just his luck that he’d start his first day of school when the Atrian’s had their first day of school as well. He let out a sign as he let Lillian drag him inside feeling the excitement from this morning beginning to wear off.

“I can’t believe you are finally coming to school with me!” She let out a squeal of excitement as she tightened her grip on Eden’s upper arm. She even began to jump up and down as they moved through the back of the school. “Oh! You’re going to love it!”

He couldn’t help but laugh at Lillian’s excitement for him to finally join her in high school. It had been four years since he had gone to school with her because of his unavoidable illness. He only hoped that this time he they had found the right combo of meds to keep him healthy and out of the sterile hospital. But Lillian’s excitement was almost contagious enough to boot out the fear growing in the pit of his stomach but it was enough to distract him from it. “Lil, I don’t think you should get your hopes up so soon.” He warned glancing at her with his blue eyes, letting his fear show about having his first day of school. It was worse considering it was high school. Lillian let out an, “Aw,” giving him a poor look as she petted his arm before letting out a giggle. “Sweetie, you’re going to do fine. I’ll be with you the whole time. Besides, “She gave him a mischievous smile as she quirked her eyebrows up and down, “I am sure you’ll find someone cute to talk to in class.” At the mention of finding a cute girl on his first day made him roll his eyes at Lillian. Really, he’d be surprised if one person just remembered his let alone said hi to him during the whole day. Besides Lillian had been trying to find him a girlfriend ever since his condition had stabilized enough so that she could force him into a shower. He could only imagine what she’d do to him if he was a girl.

After he ignored her efforts in already trying to set him up on the first day of school, he let her lead him to a balcony that over looked the front doors of the school. It seemed it was a hangout for kids before class began and if he knew any better, it seemed that it was crowded more than usual. Lillian quickly noticed Eden’s observation and explained to him as she pulled him into the front line of the crowd that hugged the balcony wall, “Usually kids hang out here but everyone is,” She leaned in with a huge grin as she whispered, “excited that the Atrians are finally attending school and our school!” Someone overheard her attempt at whispering and snorted loudly at Lillian’s statement, rolling his eyes as he turned around looking like he could care less what walked through those front doors in the next five seconds. But it wasn’t just him who was discontent with the Atrians attending a human school it was possibly everyone in the school who had a harsh opinion about the Atrian’s attending high school. To the other man’s reaction Lillian just huffed in a breathe before shaking her manicured hand, “Ignore him. You know these aliens are the best thing that has ever happened to this town much less this planet yet we can’t get past that little fact.” She twisted up her face mimicking a monster as she growled out, “Alien.” She then moved her raised hands in grabbing motion as she growled out as if about to attack Eden, making him laugh at her attempt to be scary. “You know they could teach us so much, right?” She asked glancing her sapphire eyes at him seriously. He nodded understanding her logic and agreeing with it. “If only us humans weren’t so quick to judge.” He then let out his own growl mimicking Lillian’s alien. She let out a giggle before shaking her blonde curls but her giggles were caught in her throat as she froze staring down the balcony to the floor below. It seemed like the whole room had gone quiet only for a moment as Eden’s growl and attempt at being an alien was heard by a few more people than he had wanted. He quickly shook out the act as he looked below to see what was the fuss about to only find six Atrians standing in a circle on the floor below him. His eyes grew wide as he found one staring dead on at him and he knew with dread the man had seen what he had done. He wish he could explain that wasn’t what he thought they were that he was actually making fun of his own culture but it was too late. The male that stared at him held his glaze coldly for a moment before he looked away taking in his own new surroundings.

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