Chapter 15

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Chapter 14: The Office

"Okay, 45 minutes left until the 'thing' starts" you sigh as you look at your watch.

"Well don't worry, because I'm here your going to have fun" Jeff smiled as he slung his arms on your shoulders.

"Heh? Seriously, your the last thing we want when we go somewhere" Ben scoffs before pushing Jeff's arms off you.

You sighed and ignore the two males who were arguing, seeing that you didn't have much time you went on. Bloody followed behind you."Okay, now le-" you paused.

"Oh this place is blocked from some reason" Bloody thought aloud.

"Wh-what? But then we won't know what to expect from that room" you huffed. As you were looking around for away in, a piece of paper slid under from the door. "Woah" you gasped. You bend down to reach it, you felt dizzy all of a sudden, you shook your head and picked up the piece of unknown paper that miraculously appeared.

Dear My Beloved Y/N
To make the game easy, WE decided not to use the other rooms...but don't it's going to be easy, no it's going to be quite difficult...that's all. Any who can't wait to play with you, Y/N
Good Luck 😉

Sincerely Freddy Fazbear xxx

You just stood their, confused on what to say. All of a sudden, someone took the paper away from you and that someone was Ben. Ben and Jeff both looked at piece of paper and from the first sentence of the letter, you knew they'll be pissed. Including Jeff, who has a bad temper.


"That b*stard, thinks he can talk...well write to you like that" Ben cussed crunching up the letter and throwing it on the floor

Jeff who was unfazed, just stood there twirling his knife around and his eyes were slightly twitching. He was muttering something before walking towards the office, the place we have to go before midnight. You lightly chuckle before quickly picking up the crunched up paper, shoving it into your pocket. You then quickly glance up at Ben, who was for some reason staring at you but he looked away just as quickly with a flustered look on his face and starts to walk toward the Office. Sighing you call over Bloody who was just standing their without saying a word.

"Uhm...Y/N...may I ask yo-you something?" Bloody asks whilst looking at the floor.

"Uhm..sure, what is it?" you reply.

"Uh...what di-di the piece of paper" he starts whilst fiddling with his fingers. "I-I mean you don't have to answer" he added with hint of embarrassment.

You chuckle. "Uhm its just saying that they blocked the other paths because they going to make it easier...but at the same time harder" you explain not knowing what you were saying. "If you know what I mean" you added whilst looking at him to see if he understood.

"Oh..okay, I understand" he replies whilst putting his hands into his pocket and walking in front.

"Okay?" you mutter before following behind them.

In The Office

You all enter the Office. The Office was a small, compact room. Against the wall in front of the you stands a desk, on top of which sits a few electronic monitoring devices, as well as a fan, a drink, and various balled up papers. Wires stream up to the ceiling from the monitoring devices. The desk has two drawers, along with a speaker with a spider web that seems to be covering the speaker itself.

On top of one of the monitors sits a pink cupcake with large, cartoony eyes that resemble those of the animatronic characters. The wall behind the desk is adorned with a poster of and  on stage, on top of which reads "CELEBRATE!" in large letters.

Next to the poster are drawings which seem to have been drawn by children, hanging up on the wall. The leftmost picture features Bonnie popping out of a white and red box. The drawing diagonal to it shows a child getting a present from Freddy, along with a cluster of smiley faces. The picture directly below that is one of a sun next to a group of balloons. The picture diagonal to that shows Freddy handing a girl a present.

There are two other drawings, which was mostly obscured: the one on the left was a bust of Bonnie's smiling face, and the one on the right illustrates two children around a birthday cake, with what appears to be Freddy and Bonnie's heads on top. Each drawing has large, colored text on top that appears to read: "MY FUN DAY!!!" with the "N" of "FUN" obscured in each instance. In each of the picture showing the animatronic characters, their eyes are drawn as black with white pupils, just like the uncovered endoskeleton eyes.

On either side of the you are large windows, which allows them to see outside of The Office, as well as two doors that stay open, and can only be closed by pushing the corresponding button. Outside of the doors are hallways which lead to the rest of the restaurant and contain some electrical items, as well as small papers littering the walls.

Nearest to the front door there are two different coloured panels, one on each side, both of which have two buttons mounted on them.

The floor appears to be black and white tiled, matched by a black and white tile stripe on both walls. The rest of the walls from the checkered stripe up are a greyish colour. The ceiling itself is not visible, and the only thing on it seems to be a hanging ceiling lamp, which illuminates the room.

"Tsk, isn't this a little small for four people, jeez" Ben complains whilst walking to the desk and inspecting the objects, Jeff and Bloody do the same, they all inspect the whole room. You do the same when you noticed a tablet on the deck, the tablet had a sticky note on it which read in capital font.


It didn't make any sense but you understood either way. "Okay? Guys I guess we use this to see where the...well our 'friends' will be" you state whilst holding up the tablet.

All of them look at you in confusion when you said 'friend' instead animatronics. You stare at them with a small grin and shrug your shoulders whilst walking up to them and forming a little circle. You quickly look at you watch and see there's only 5 minutes left before the finale.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Dec 13, 2017 ⏰

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