twenty-one; secret hobby revealed

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       Mary hadn't shut up the entire drive to the police station

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       Mary hadn't shut up the entire drive to the police station. She consistently assured Callahan and Powell that they had made a great mistake taking her into custody — her father was the god damn Chief. And she weren't even a part of the fight, she had been trying to stop it.

           She assured them that her dad would pissed but she weren't even sure if that were true. She had no idea if her father would even be at the police station since he had been MIA for days. But still, she had hope he'd be there to bail her out — to bail all three of them out.

             Upon entering the station, Flo had smiled dearly at the girl, "Its been a while since we've had you in here, Mary. What have you done this time?" The older lady asked and Mary offered her a flat smile.

           "For once nothing," She told her before looking towards where Callahan and Powell sat, "Idiots just don't know how to do their job properly and arrest the wrong people." She deliberately spoke loud enough so that they'd hear and both men looked over at her.

           Powell pointed at the girl, "You're lucky your the Chief's daughter, Mary. Otherwise you'd be in cuffs just like your friend. You assisted in the rest of those hooligans getting away — and you tripped up a police officer." He scolded and she rolled her eyes, un-phased by his words as Flo smiled softly.

           And then all of a sudden, Joyce Byers was rushing into the station and towards her son whom sat with Nancy. Mary had opted for the other side of the room instead of sitting with them. She was sure neither wanted to be around we after what she had been a part of and she didn't blame them.

            Joyce made a move straight to her son and Mary watched them carefully. She thought Steve had been wrong, Jonathan's family wasn't a disgrace at all — Joyce Byers adored her children and would do anything for them. And truthfully, Mary was a little envious of that.

            "Mary?" A voice suddenly asked and the girl's heart skipped a beat as her body went still before she slowly turned towards the door and her lips parted.

             "Dad?" Her voice was a place between a question and a gasp but she was already moving towards him and he her, tears burning in her eyes before she threw herself into his arms and he held onto her tightly, big arms wrapped around her small body, his hands holding her head to his chest.

             "Hey, kid." He whispered, stroking her hair as she clung onto him for dear life. She had feared the worst for her father and she thought there was the chance she'd never see him again. But there he was.

           Mary pulled back and Jim clutched her face, his own tears coating his eyelashes, "I probably spooked you pretty bad, huh?" He asked her and she nodded, pushing her lips together as the tears dripped from her eyelashes, "Don't worry kiddo, I'm here now." He assured her and she offered a smile through her tears, clinging to her father's waist.

         Their moment seemed to have gone unnoticed as Joyce repeatedly told Callahan to take her son from the handcuffs, but due to his own pride the man refused. It wasn't until Jim approached, Mary by his side did Callahan finally give in.

          "Chief, I get everyone's emotional here but there's something you need to see." Callahan told him as Jonathan rubbed at his wrists and Mary furrowed her brows.

           Some hunting necessities were placed onto the table along with the gun Jonathan had taken from his father and Mary exhaled deeply, "Why are you going through my car?" Jonathan demanded, his eyes down on the hunting gear.

            "Is that really the question you should be asking right now?" Jim asked, "I wanna see you in my office." Both Mary and Nancy glanced at Jonathan, looks on their faces that told him not to say anything and the boy shook his head.

             "You won't believe me." He argued, but Jim exchanged glances with Joyce before looking back to Jonathan.

            "Why don't you give me a try?" After that, Jonathan disappeared into her father's office and Mary paced back and fourth, nervously chewing on her fingernails the whole time Jonathan was inside the office — worrying over what he would tell her father.

              On the half an hour mark Nancy approached Mary, a gentle smile on her face, "I'm sure everything's going to be alright. If Jonathan does tell your dad at least he'll know what to —"

              "No," Mary shook her head, looking up at the younger girl, "I don't want him involved in this. This thing, it took Will and Charlie — probably Barbara too..." She trailed off, looking down at her hands that were noticeably shaking from nerves.

           She glanced up to Nancy, that shocking and rare vulnerable look on her face. She tilted her head, "I can't lose my dad, Nance. He's all I've got." She admitted, her voice tiny, barely even heard and Nancy watched her carefully before she was smiling and laughing a little.

              Mary rose an eyebrow, "What?" She asked bluntly, curious to what Nancy could find so damn funny about what she had just said.

          The brunette shook her head, the smile still on her lips, "Nothing, it's just, you called me Nance... I'm only used to Barb and Steve calling me that." She informed her and Mary rolled her eyes as she looked away.

             "Well," She chirped, "Nancy is a hell of a long and difficult name, shortening it is the only way I won't get tongue tied." She joked and soon, both girls were laughing, smiling at each other — smiles that met their eyes.

             Just then, her father and Jonathan exited the office and Mary pushed herself away from her desk she rested against and looked at her father expectantly as he took a long draw of the cigarette between his lips, his free hand on his hip.

             "So," He started, smoke puffing from his lips and Mary held her breath, "You kids took up a new hobby I see? Monster hunting, right?"  Her father's question had Mary wincing, scrunching up her face as she blew out air through her teeth.

          Mary offered a hopeful smile, "For what it's worth, it could be worse," She attempted, her brain quickly rattling for an excuse, "I mean, we could be doing drugs or something, ya know?"

             Jim stared at his daughter flatly, "You are so grounded once this shits over."'


A shitty and boring chapter, I apologise. Although, the Hoppers reunion was worth it I hope!

And everything's ready to kick off ;)!

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