Chapter 2

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The boys were awake and ready to go to Neverland, Peter was confused on why the boys were awake. Raven was finally awake from her state of shock and started to fly around the room laughing and beaming with excitement and happiness. Everyone was watching Raven in awe and smiling, except Wendy, because the Darling boys have never seen Raven so happy unless she was telling them a story about Peter Pan, singing, and playing Pirates vs Peter Pan with John and Michael.

"I was only taking Raven and Wendy but I guess I could use a couple of new Lost Boys," Peter stated.

Peter told them to follow him by flying but then remembered only Raven could fly.

"You have to think of happy thought in order to fly," Peter told Wendy, John, and Michael.

Raven was floating next to Peter with Tink on her shoulder, who was laughing at the other Darlings who were trying to fly.

"Pixie Dust!" shouted Peter, startling everyone, "We need Pixie Dust in order to fly!"

Peter grabbed Tink from Ravens shoulder and sprinkled Pixie Dust on Wendy, John, and Michael's head and they started flying, Peter took Ravens hand so he could talk to her alone.

"Wendy told me you caught my shadow for me, so I decided to give you something in return," Peter told Raven, which she blushed to.

"What is there to give me," Raven questioned, "Your letting me stay in Neverland and be the Lost Boys mother. What else is there to give?"

"How about a kiss, Wendy told me you never had one," Peter questioned.

"Okay... Here," Raven gave Peter her music note pin and pinned it on Peter's shirt.

Peter gave her an acorn and pit it on her necklace. They were too busy talking and didn't notice Tink, John, and Michael watching them with a smile, even Tink who is always jealous when a girl is too close to Peter, Wendy was jealous. They smiled at each other and started to fly to the window, ready to leave for Neverland.

"Peter, where is Neverland?" John, Wendy, and Raven asked, Michael was too busy flying around to ask.

"To the second star to the right and straight off till morning!!" Peter yelled flying out the window.

Everyone followed Peter out the window and went to Big Ben and stood on the hour hand and moved the hand. Peter grabbed Ravens hand, who grabbed Wendy's, who grabbed Johns, who grabbed Michael's hand. They flew straight to Neverland and landed on a cloud above the Jolly Rancher, where the pirates live.

"Captain! Captain! Peter Pan has returned and brought 2 boys and 2 GIRLS!" Smee exclaimed.

"We must take them down," Captain James Hook continued, "Men! Get the Cannons ready!"

The other pirates got the cannons ready and aimed for Peter, the Darling Children, and Tink, who was in Peter's hat.

"FIRE!!" Hook yelled very loudly that Peter, Tink, and The Darling Children heard him.

The cannon ball hit the middle of the cloud and separated Peter from Raven, Wendy, John, and Michael. John and Michael landed somewhere deep in the forest, while Raven and Wendy started flying over the forest. Tink thought it was a good time to get rid of Wendy. Tink really hates Wendy because she feels that Wendy likes Peter and is going to steal Peter from her and Raven. Tink goes to the Lost Boys who were waiting for Peter to return.

"Look! It's Tinkerbell," Cubby exclaimed, stating the obvious.

"Shh!! She's trying to tell us something," Cubby said, stating the obvious, again.

"Move out the way Cubby," Slightly yelled, 'What is it Tink?"

Tinkerbell told the Lost Boys about an ugly Wendy Bird flying around. Wendy and Raven were heading to where they were. Tink pointed to Wendy and the Boys to start shooting at Wendy AND Raven. Cubby hit Wendy in the arm, she stopped thinking happy thoughts and started falling out of the sky. The rock bounced off of Wendy's arm and hit Raven in the head, not that hard but hard enough to knock her out. Peter caught Wendy but Tink told Peter that  Raven was falling out of the sky. Peter told Tink to give Wendy some more dust and flew to Raven so fast that is was almost unseen. He caught Raven before she reached the ground and laid her on the ground.

"Alright Men," Peter exclaimed, "Who tried to kill Wendy and Raven?!"

All the boys were trying to explain what happened but they were all talking very loud and all at once.

"I did it Peter," Cubby shouted over everyone, "I shot the Wendy Bird like you told Tink to tell us."

"Tinkerbell! Did you tell the Boys to shoot Raven and Wendy out of they sky," Peter asked.

Tink told Peter that it wasn't meant to hit Raven only hit Wendy.

"Peter, It's all right, Tinkerbell didn't mean to hurt us, right Tinkerbell...Wait Where is John and Micheal?" Wendy stated.

"Tinkerbell, I hear by ban you from ever coming to see Raven until you apologize to Raven and Wendy!" Peter yelled at Tink, completely ignoring Wendy.

Tinkerbell flew away from anger, sadness, and betrayal. Peter was suppose to forgive Tink for trying to hurt Raven, he knows that she loves Raven like a sister. She flew all the way to the Jolly Roger and demanded to see Captain Hook.

This isn't over Wendy Darling, You won't have Peter he will always love Raven, The Lost Boys, and I more than you, Tink thought going into Hook's office.

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